
New wage rise?

by  |  earlier

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Ive just been told that I am getting a wage rise of £5.20 a week from £7.25 to £7.40 ive been here a year this an insult its works out at 0.9%..what would you do???




  1. be thankful your not working for the minimum wage

  2. Be grateful!

    or get sacked

    thats life sorry.

    good luck =)

  3. if youre not happy,put your complaint in writing to your boss - they will then treat it as a grievance and you can discuss the issue

  4. ive been with my company for 3 years and i've never had an increase in wages :(

  5. It's actually 2%. 15p is 2.07% of £7.25. So it's not too bad at all. My last rise was 3% and I thought that was pretty good in fairness!

  6. If you think a rise from £7.25 to £7.40 is just 0.9% then you don't deserve any rise at all!
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