
New way of energy?

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Just had a crazy idea hehe. If you were to take large "pipes" with blades in it and stick it into the sea, the cold water from the bottom of the sea would rise up to the hot water at the top, causing a strong flow. Which would spin the blades which could be used to harvest energy. Kind of like wind power except with water, do you think its possible? No flaming please :) Just a friendly question




  1. Im sorry, but that seems less possible than the other sources of energy, i.e. hydro/dams, wind and solar.

  2. tides are the answer....i think your blade would have to be too big...but keep thinking...oil is getting old..and coal will kill us..

  3. there are already devices that can harness tidal energy, without dams.

    Your blades might need to be quite large?

    anyway, the devices that already exist are meant to move up and down with changes in tides and change this kinetic energy into electricity.

  4. I was under the impression that cold water would sink just as hot air rises and cold air sinks...
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