
New wiccan want ot know what to do?

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just wondering how to become one what i have to do and everyhing also i was wondering if anyone knows of a cult in calgary?




  1. The best way to go about becoming a Wiccan, would be to study the religion.  As you're learning, through books and online, you will most likely come across other people with similar beliefs.  There is sure to be some online forums and such, which could be a good way to meet people.  And through that, you're bound to find people in your area.  There are many out there.  Just be sure that that's what you want to believe in.  

  2. Ummm...You're not a new wiccan until you have read enough, studied enough and committed to learning more from *reliable, authoritative sources*. At which point you can formally dedicate yourself to the path of Wicca/witchcraft... THEN you are a "new wiccan".

    I would avoid "schools" like

    No offense to the person who posted that, but there are better, more informative websites than that one- and they aren't hawking tons of magical supplies, witchy jewelry, robes and coffee mugs for $$, either.

    Try instead.

    Better yet, read BOOKS. Websites are a good way to find recommendations for good books and authors.

    But every wiccan, new or long time needs their own library of GOOD books to refer back to over time. Start your collection of books with these authors:

    S. Cunningham



    A. Maura (check spelling on that one)

    M. Green

    Avoid at all costs: Kostantinos, Ray Buckland, the Frosts, Silver Ravenwolf & Laurie Cabot

    By the way, how old are you? Granted, it's been quite a few years, but from what I last heard, most covens will not accept anyone under 18.

    If you are younger than that, AND your parents do not approve, you may as well wait until you are of age....

  3. I think you mean coven not cult. Maybe you should go to and learn what Wiccans believe, Wicca does not nessesarily mean witchcraft, some do some don't.

    Wicca has nothing to do with h**l or satan we don't even believe in those things.

  4. What do you mean "what to do"?  Wicca is a religion.  What do you "do" in any religion?  

    You become Wiccan by studying the religion, by building a relationship with the Gods and Goddesses, by attuning to nature and the natural cycles of the year, by embracing and comitting to live by a code of ethics based on the Wiccan Rede.  Beyond that, this is a path of continuous learning and growth.

    I think you mean "coven", not "cult", and in this I must agree with LabGrrl, you have much more to learn about Wicca before labeling yourself Wiccan and seeking a coven to join.  Many suggest a year's worth of study (it's often said a year and a day) to give you ample time to learn all of the basics, and decide if this is the right path for you before dedicating yourself to it.

    As LabGrrl suggested, pour through the website starting with the 101 section.  Then if you have some more specific questions, by all means, come back and ask them.  

    (We can't really answer you with years of our own studies and practice about *all* there is to Wicca in a few short paragraphs here, so your questions need to be a bit more specific.)

    Blessings on your journey.

  5. Merry Meet,

    If you want to be a Wiccan, you will have to want to study. Practicing the Craft entails a lot of studying and dedication.

    There are many legitimate sources out there today to glean knowledge from. One being Witchvox at, they have many links for mentors or even a Coven, Circle or Grove near you. If there are none near you, you could look into getting online training through the Sacred Mists at or OZ Wicca at , both are pretty decent for learning the Craft on the Web.

    Also if you can, get your hands on Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin and/or The Circle Within by Dianne Sylvan. Both of these books are very good reading and both will give you some deeper insight to the Craft and how it relates to you. If you like something more on the eclectic side, I suggest any Scott Cunningham book; they are all very well done.

    If you do seek a deeper understanding beyond these mediums I really do suggest that you seek out a good mentor, preferably someone locally to you. But no mater how close or far away they may be, make sure they are good and can really help you.

    I hope that this information helps you out.

    Always in Light and Love


  6. cult?  never heard it put that way, i've heard of 'coven'.. but maybe that's the same thing where you're at.  ;)  try this site:  it's really a good site, and is 100% free.  great class, great forum, and very unbaised.  

    Good luck, and welcome to the path.  ;)

    BB )O( STB

  7. Did you even play "go to the head of the class" and then say something that got you sent to the end of the line?

    There's something in your question that's one of those "go to the end of the line" things.

    You need to learn a little bit about Wicca before you go about calling yourself Wiccan.

    I think the 101 at is a good choice, and it's free. Start there.

  8. I have to agree with Labgrrl. You have to learn a bit about the religion before you actually consider yourself a part of it. Try looking for some good books one the subject. Scott Cunningham is one of the best Wiccan authors out there. Other good authors are Raymond Buckland and Starhawk. Avoid Silver Ravenwolf. Also try these websites:

    As for a cult, I think the word you're looking for is actually "coven." I've never heard a group of witches called a cult before, unless you count the Christian fundementalists who think that our religion is all hellfire and devil worship (which it's not, and no, not all Christians think this.) Once you learn a bit more about Wicca, then you can start seeking a coven to join. To find a coven in your area, you can try the "Local Groups" section at WitchVox.

  9. It's not called a cult. It's called a coven.

    Check out this website: for local listings of covens, open circles, stores and individuals in your area. Please note that any ARTICLES you find are not edited for content, and can be posted by anybody, so be careful in what you believe if you read the articles.

    Check out this website: . It is the best website out there, in my opinion. Since you are new, try looking at the 101 section first, to avoid future mishaps like calling a coven a "cult" (which some Wiccans would find terribly insulting):

    Also take note of this page:

    and the book review section:

    Good luck!

    PS: Don't pay any mind to the people that say we worship the devil, or that Wicca is demonic. They are wrong.

  10. Cult? Wicca is not a cult. As for Calgary, what I'm assuming you are looking for is "coven". Go to Its the best place for anything Wicca on the net, and it has places for people who registered with the site and their locations.

    As for what you have to do... what do you mean? Wicca is an intensely informal religion and there is no such thing as organization within it. Each follower does everything differently. Thats part of the beauty of it.

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