
New xbox 360 chip??

by  |  earlier

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any one know that microsoft said that they r going to come up with a new chip/ cpu/ processer for the 360 in the end of the year? the 65nm falcon? and should i get a system now or wait until later?

does the new cpu( microsoft said it is slower than the one onsale right now, but would not get the RROD as easy) cost cheaper?





  1. I've been out of the xbox modding community for roughly 6 months now, so I haven't heard any news about anything in a long time. However the last time I heard anything it was that they were already including the new chips in the xbox Elite systems and from what I was hearing back then they should already be including them in the rest of the new xboxs already. All they are supposed to do is provide equal performance but much less heat.

    To be honest, I would suggest you get one, as they are using the new BenQ DVD drives on all models now, which are significantly quieter than the older drives. They also improved the heatsinks for the GPU, just slightly, so that should help with cooling.

    In the likely even that you get the ring of death, I HIGHLY suggest you fix it yourself. It does require "some" skill, there are many tutorials out there that tell you how to do it. has a good tutorial and I highly recommend you buy the parts needed from them as you will otherwise spend several days tracking down the parts yourself, if you even find them... Its called the "X-clamp replacement" tutorial. Basically when Microsoft fixes your xbox it doesn't cost you anything except several weeks of waiting and in the end they don't fix anything all they do is replace the parts with other defective parts and its not uncommon to have to send the box back to them several times.

    I fixed it myself in about a 2 day (2 days of searching for parts and 2 hours labor) it cost me about $15 and I haven't had any problems with it and I've been trying to break it...

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