
New zealand project(just a few questions).............?

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A need this info on new zealand

what continent is it on?




extra fun facts?

Thx i have a project and its do tomorrow!!! NEED INFO FAST!!!




  1. NZ is not in the Northern Hemisphere, it is in fact in the Southern Hemisphere and east of Australia.  NZ is not a continent.  It's population is approx 4 million.  Currency?  Dollars and Cents.  NZ's flag is almost identical to the Australian flag so beware of the stars.  Capital is Wellington and also well known for it's cafe culture.  Largest city is Auckland.  Parliament Building (in Wellington) is called the Beehive.  NZ is made up of 2 main islands (North Island, South Island) with a much smaller island at the tip of the most Southern part of the South Island and is called Stewart Island (well known for it's most beautiful glow worms in the world).  NZ's main language spoken is English and second most spoken language is Maori.  Helen Clarke is NZ's PM (for the time being).  NZ's major political parties are Labor, National, NZ Maori.  NZ is a multi cultural hub with a majority of immigrants from Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Fiji, South Africa, England, Middle East, China, Italy, Greece, Holland, are just to name afew.   First wave of immigrants to NZ orginated from Scotland before a massive influx of those from England/ Ireland, Europe and Canada.  No convicts were allowed to immigrate to NZ except a small ship of young lads bound for NZ from Australia after been released without the knowledge of NZ Politicians.  This caused a huge furoe at the time.  NZ's Peace Treaty with the Maoris (the 4th known peoples to arrive and inhabit NZ before white man arrived) is called the Waitangi Treaty.  NZ's largest export is Lamb, Beef, Wool & Genuine Leather (being the softest of lamb's wool and leather in the world), white wine, kiwifruit (Chinese Gooseberries), pure Honey, just to name afew.  NZ's drinking water is also the best in the world. NZ is well known for it's picturique scenery with a number of volcanic mountains, natural hot mud pools & springs.  It's largest lake is Lake Taupo (the top of a volcano itself).  NZ's tallest mountain is Mount Cook in the South Island.  NZ's most common natural gem is Greenstone (a dark green coloured Jade).  NZ's national symbols are the Kiwi (flightless) bird and the Silver Fern.  NZ is well known for it's native birds and among them are the Kiwi, Tui, NZ Native Pigeon, Kaka.  NZ's oldest known tallest bird was the Moa, similar to that of the Ostrich but much much taller.  It has been extinct for over 250 years.  NZ's only poisonous spider is the Katipo (a larger species of the Redback or Black Widow).  NZ has no snakes and the only native reptile is the Tuatara.  NZ is home to the Albatross, the largest bird in flight in the world with the largest wing span of any bird in flight.  NZ's 80% of it's trees are endemic (native only to NZ) the Kowai is the most beautiful and NZ is well known for many of it's native flowers.  NZ is also home to many seal varieties etc.  NZ was first discovered by Abel Tasman.  NZ's first execution was that of a Maori in 1842, the last was Walter Bolton in 1952, in 1895 the first and last woman was executed, the method was always hanging.  NZ's main national sport is Rugby Union and Cricket, the All Blacks is NZ's national team. NZ's worst manmade disasters are the Wahine Ferry Disaster and Air NZ in Mt Erebus in the Antarctica.  NZ's military conflict history spans from the great Anglo-Maori wars, South African War, WW1, WW2, Malaya Emergency, Korea &  Vietnam.

  2. New Zealand is an island about 4hrs east of Australia by plane. First language is english but the Maori(native people)do speak their own language but they mostly speak english. A little over 4 million people call NZ home. $NZ is their currency. NZ is basically broken into 2 islands north and south, the north island is more populated than the south because it's a little bit warmer the south island is my choice for winter holidays it's got awesome skiing and some of the best scenic vistas in the world. hope this helps and by the way BLULADY is mistaken it's in the southern hemispere

  3. hi I'm from New Zea land and new Zea land is in the Northern hemisphere we have a wide range of cultures we do speak two languages English and Maori.  

    But Maori is onlyused as a  second language. We have

    dollars and cents we have population of 4 million people.

    we are 24 hours ahead of the rest of the world.

    We have more sheep than people as everyone in the world knows.

    Our Prime Minister is Helen Clarke and she is the leader of the Labour Party.

    Our Captial of New Zealand is Wellington.

    For further info you could try wiki peda

    Good luck with your project.

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