
New zealand ?

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what can you tell me about newzealads goverment & politics and what are some of the conflicts they had?




  1. Yes, they have a chick there that is Prime minister, you could crack walnuts on her face!!!!! Her name is Helen Clark. Remember Margaret Thatcher of the UK?  Well this chick is one mean mumma, worse than Thatcher.    Some of the Conflicts they have are communications, like they cant really speak properly. They say fish (fash), and if its windy they will say (wundy), and Bro is big or Cuz!!!!!    They have an obsession with jet powered boats over about 1mm of water, so they outlawed all propellers just recently.   They also try very hard at Rugby but usually lose because they put too much effort into their Maori war cries before the game, so they are absolutely ratfaced before they even start.   Other than that they dont have a national currency, they deal all in smokes only, and they bum them off you , usually Dunhill.   Other politics are the beer rations, there is only enough beer for one can per man, per week. Plenty of good fresh lamb though. Baaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  2. New Zealand has always had a fairly calm and placid political life, with its origins in British reserve and "liberal conservatism". Most people are fairly well off and well cared for by the state, and there is not such a sharp left-right divide as in most other countries, even Australia.

    The thorn in the side of New Zealand's political and national life has always been the status of the Maoris, the native Polynesians from whom the British took the country in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although they have suffered great discrimination and prejudice, and even now are a relatively marginalised group with lower income, poorer education and higher unemployment than the average, New Zealand has made greater efforts to respect their culture and integrate them into society than, for example, Australia with the Aborigines or the USA with Native Americans.

    The national sport is Rugby Union, at which they are usually the world's best, and their team is largely composed of Maoris and performs the warlike Maori Haka bonding dance before each game.

    New Zealand tends to take a leftist view of environmental and nuclear weapons issues compared with the United States, and bans nuclear weapon-carrying warships from its waters.

    New Zealand has not had armed conflicts of its own, but as a part of the British Empire sent soldiers to fight in both world wars. The famous defeat of Australian and New Zealand troops by the Turks at Gallipoli in the First World War, which they blame on incompetent British strategy and planning, is the military incident most remembered in both Australia and New Zealand.

    New Zealand sent some troops to fight with the Americans in the Vietnam War.

  3. Government-

    the queen haha Elizabeth the second is queen of NZ (like UK australia [yay! lol] and canada etc.) their Prime minster is Helen Clarke she is apart of the Labour pary of NZ, their parliament consists of one house of representatives (the senate was abolished) and the building is referred to as the beehive because it funnily looks like a beehive lol.


    there are many political parties in NZ much like australia, UK and canada. the party that is curretnly in power is the Labour Party, headed by Helen Clarke. some of the other parties are

    the national party,

    new zealand first,


    Maori Party

    united Future


    and Progressive party 9these are the ones that have been elected there are many more non elected)


    NZ has not been at full scale war at all, but has been involved in peace keeping forces across the world mainly in the Solomon islands and Timor Leste
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