
Newbie has question?

by Guest63243  |  earlier

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It has been about a week since I last ate any meat, and already I can't believe how good I feel, I don't feel as fatigued and am more clear headed, I know it must be related to going vegetarian, I'm just wondering if someone can explain exactly why cutting out meat has made me feel so much better?




  1. People are omnivore's, but our systems are not designed to eat the amount of meat found in most western diets. Eating an excess of meat fats and protein puts a strain on the entire system. Chimps, our closest relative in the animal kingdom, only eat meat as a treat now and then.

  2. The way you feel is common after your system detoxes.  Animal protein is very hard to digest, and there are toxic byproducts of this digestion such as ammonia, which accumulates in the liver, along with the rest of the chemical soup left over from a typical omnivorous diet. (pesticides, hormones, antibiotics...)

    Improved digestion leads to improved circulation, which leads to increased energy, a strengthened immune system, and marked improvement in memory and concentration.

  3. Meat is heavy and can weigh you down.  Many people notice a lighter feeling after going veg even if they haven't lost weight.  

    There are many pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and sometimes hormones in meat and meat products.  Getting rid of the source of these materials is no wonder you're feeling better.  Many people with anxiety or anger have also claimed to have positive results from stopping meat consumption.


  4. Something not brought up and a very valid point - is that if you made the choice for reasons of conscience, your mental outlook is going to be better.

    The effects of the hormones that are given to livestock upon humans - no real study has been done to see the positive/negative effects of such - - nor how long it takes to work out of your system - or if it ever does (many chemicals actually store within the body and don't flush out no matter what you do).  So - while there are many claims - no real study done.  You have made a change for 7 days - not sure if that would be enough time to see the changes that your talking about.  But even if it were not - that you feel better about yourself - a good thing.
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