
Newborn, strange gasping/squeling noises-HELP PLEASE!?

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This has only happened one other time..I had my baby down on her diaper changing table and she was perfectly content,not crying or fussing then all of a sudden she made this squealing/gasping noise a couple of times and it scared the h**l out of me..She is a little conjested but that has been for a few weeks now (due to excessive spitting up is what the pedi told me) But does anyone elses baby do this? It only happened once before and she doesn't fuss when it happens..But it doesn't sound right..I will call the pedi soon but anyone have the same experience?

(She is 6 1/2 weeks old)




  1. its normal just nose monsters happens all the time to lana when she was younger

  2. I would call your Pediatrician to make sure. Honestly, if she spits up constantly, she could very well have reflux, and its causing her to aspirate a bit and the sounds you hear are her almost but not quite spitting up. It almost sounds like she's trying to stop herself.

    My daughter - who is now 8 months - was a preemie,and often would have what I considered to be odd breathing patterns. I ran it past the Dr and she told me it was completely normal. For your own peace of mind, and just to make sure she doesn't have reflux, I'd take her in. Good luck!  

  3. Oh I totally know this, my DD used to do this all the time. It sounds like she's choking?

    What I think it is, is that she only seems to make that sound when I'm wiping her. she may have a diaper rash or jus the wipe is irritating to her or it's cold. Only on the changing table does she make that sound and it's once in awhile, not all the time.

    It is scary though.  

  4. Take her to your doctors.  She's too young for you to be unsure about her health.

    My daughter had reflux which was a funny noise very similar.  I'm sure it's something that can easily be sorted out and not that serious - but you need to make 100% sure that it's nothing else.

  5. my friend's baby is one of the most calm babies in the world and hardly ever cries, well twice we were changing him (I say we be I was really just watching and handing her whatever she needed) and he did that.  The first time was at his 2 month dr appointment. She was changing his diaper on the cold exam table and put a wipe over his privates and he started screaming like someone was hurting him.  she hurried up and put his diaper on and picked him up and he eventually calmed down.  The second time was at her house she was changing him on the changing table that is attached to the play pin... the only thing i could think of is that it was cold too. He hasn't done it again and I don't know why he did it those two times but I know it was very scary.  The pediatrician didn't seem too concerned the first time he did it.  He screamed worse during the changing than he did getting the shots!!

    As long as he sounds like he can breathe alright I think he's ok...

  6. My daughter is 4 1/2 months now but when she was a newborn she made tons of noises that freaked me out, still does sometimes, lol. A lot of times she would make noises that sounded like she was gasping and I was afraid she couldn't breathe, or she would start breathing really fast, she was always fine though. The doctor said that it's just because their lungs are still developing. I am sure she is fine but it always gives me peace of mind to check with the pediatrician. Congratulations on your daughter!

  7. my son has been doing this since the age of your scared me too.. now hes 6 months old and still does it then giggles..he thinks its funny so now i do it to back at him..he gets a real kick out of.. totally normal

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