
Newborn's chest/sternum caving in???

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My cousin just had a baby, he is about 4 weeks old and she just called me asking if I have ever noticed my son's chest or sternum caving in when he breathes or when he hiccups or coughs does it cave in a lot...I never noticed my son do that, but she's really worried.

*She's young so she doesn't have a doctor for her baby yet to call (I know, I am worried for her)

Any advice, ideas, suggestions, thanks!




  1. What..



    Okay seriously, what does her AGE have to do with not having a doctor for her BABY? If she can't wrap her head around something so basic as "Get your baby a doctor", she shouldn't be a mother in ANY circumstance.

    Tell her to GET A DOCTOR, and ask him or her. She's worried about something so she calls you and you ask Yahoo Answers - how well do you think that will work in an emergency?

    What's next, "what's a good household appliance for fixing skull fractures"?


  2. My brother had something like that.  They called it "pigeon chest".  He's totally normal and it was never an issue.  I think he grew out of it (he's 25 now)??

  3. Please do rush fora doctor, such a case was with one of my friends child, the baby suffered from major heart abnormality.

  4. First, I would tell her its very important to get a pediatrician right away! For the health and sake of her child. Second, I would take the baby to the ER. Does the baby have any other symptoms? Shortness of breath or anything else that would put up a red flag? But since she doesnt have a pedi to go to then I would get the baby checked out.

  5. All of my children had that.  I think that most babies do.  When they are that young, they are still learning how to pace their breathing and inhale/exhale a proper, more comfortable amount.  Their lungs are still teeny and it takes a little more work for them to breath then some of us pros.  It may also do with when the baby was born (on time or preemie) and his/her size.  I wouldn't worry about it but if she truly is concerned, tell her to seek out a free clinic or maybe search craigslist for a registered nurse or doctor that would be willing to take a look at her child for free.  Good luck!

  6. Yeah, I would definitely get him to a doctor fast! It might not be anything serious, but better safe than sorry. One visit to the doctor could save his life!

  7. My son did this, its normal.....

  8. Uhh yeah get her to the hospital immidiatly you shouldnt waste time logging into your computer GO NOW who cares about the bills this is a newborn

  9. this may mean that he is congested or he has asthma or something..i know it may be costly, but she should def. take her son to a pediatrician.

  10. At 4 weeks old that might be a big deal. You have to be very careful with babies that young. The chest should not cave in, indicates the baby is having to work to hard to breathe. Better to be safe then sorry, she needs to take the baby to the nearest dr or er.  

  11. is there any new baby clinics in her area? the lady that lives across the street is a doctor for new babies and moms at an intercity clinic.. it maybe worth looking into

  12. My second baby was like that.  The space just under the ribs would get sucked in -particularly if he hiccuped.  Its hard to describe but it looked almost like you were pressing an invisible tennis ball into his chest.

    Apparently its normal.  On the other hand in some cases it can be a sign of a baby having difficulty breathing.  So if this is new, or accompanied by other signs of congestion/poor oxygenation then you would be concerned.

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