
Newborn Kitten Help?!

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We just had ONE newborn kitten. We also have 3, 4 month old kittens. They are batting the new kitten around and playing rough with it but not using their teeth or claws. Is this normal and will it hurt the cat? The mother isn't doing anything aobut any of it, she's barely even nursing her newborn. HELP.




  1. if the mother isn't feeding her go to a pet stor and get some new born cat milk and a bottle you will have to hand feed it.And when the other cats r doin that that just means that they want to play but the baby might not be strog enough yet but it won't hurt.the mom will brake it up if it is playing to rough.

  2. Remove the kittens from the newborn.  It's still fragile.  Please have the mom spayed.  She's obviously done with being a kitten machine.

  3. Littermates usually "roughhouse" but they're really just playing with each other. You're older kittens are /still/ kittens and are likely just playing with the new kitten, seeing as they aren't attacking it.

    It's the mother that concerns me. Go by some replacement mother milk, or something like that. Try to have the newborn feed more off of the mom, resort to the milk as a last resort.

  4. I agree you should isolate your kitten, but move the older ones. Mother cats are very finicky on their newborns. Are you sure that your mother cat is done delivering? My momma just had kittens with a very similar situation. She would not feed. The ER vet told me that she may not be done delivering and to allow her to be alone and see what happens. If later you are completely convinced that she is, call your ER vet, they are very willing to talk you through your next steps. But my suggestion is to give momma and baby a nice quiet safe place to be alone. Momma's are very protective and know exactly what to do.

  5. They will do that because it is a new cat and they arent used to it, if you are worried maybe segregate the kitten until it gets a bit stronger. Or maybe consult a vet

  6. i ve had lots of kittens, the others are tring to play. about the feeding, you may have to get an eye dropper, beware, wrap something around the kitty. when feeding. they naturally claw,  show her lots of affection. good luck

  7. Oh my, i think I can help...

    The mother of that kitten will teach it how 2 defend its self one day, don not bother of the mommy CAT, it barely nurse the kitten maybe because she know everything is FINE, mommy cat would only react when she know that there is something wrong with her baby or her baby is Hungry.

    oh yea, playing with the kitten rough and batting it with not using thier teeth or claws, maybe it is jst playing with it or teaching it how 2 fight when it sense danger, it will NOT hurt the kitten because it is with her fellow cat n' kittens, so, don't b upset! everything is FINE  :)  

  8. seperate the 4 month old kittens away from the newborn the kitten will get stressed and die from the bulling of the older kittens even tho to them they are playing but to a newborn kitten it can be dangerous to them if the mum is not nursing it very much u might need to nurse the newborn kitten yrself

    go to the vets and get a milk suplement for the kitten get a syrindge or small bottle with teat and hand feed the little 1

    if u do hand feed it u will have to help it going to the toilet too by getting some warm water and cotton balls and rubbing the private parts like a l*****g motion as to what the mum would do

    hope this helps u out and good luck anymore info please feel free to email me  

  9. take the kitty and momma aaway from the others! my cat had  kitens a month ago, and we had a tomcat and he lieterally ATE 2 newborns. i threw him outta the garage and ended up finding him a new home, FAR away from here. its natural for him to do that, but cleaning up kitty guts wasnt what i was expecting to wake up to that morning. i took momma kitty and newborns inside away fromother cats and my dog. they're well now. if momma isnt taking care, u should bottle feed it.  
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