
Newborn skin peeling?

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Hi - we have a 2 week old and it seems as if he's shedding a layer of this normal? They told us at the hospital not to use any lotions on him for a while so I'm not putting anything on it but I'm just wanting to make sure this is normal? Thanks!




  1. Its normal, once my daughter got to be like 3-4 weeks old I would use a little bit of baby oil on the dry patches that worked very well.

  2. It sounds perfectly normal - my mum says it happens when babies are "overcooked" or overdue but it can also happen with babies that are born early or on-time.

    I googled it for you and found the following website which looks like it might be helpful to you (

    "Peeling skin

    During the first few weeks, your baby may have peeling or cracking of the skin, especially on the wrists, hands, ankles and feet. Overdue babies seem to peel more than babies born closer to their due date. This is normal and no treatment is necessary."

    Congratulations and enjoy - they grow up way too fast.

  3. Normal normal normal.  But I used lotion on my baby, the doctor said it was okay, St. Ives... skin test first though!

  4. Yes, it's normal. The pediatrician said it's because the baby was surrounded by fluid in the womb, so once they're out they become dry. My daughter will be two weeks old tomorrow and the pediatrician said I can put Eucerin lotion on her to help the peeling.

  5. As everyone else says it's normal. My daughter's nurse gave her an olive oil massage.  Took care of it straight away and was all natural.

  6. Yes that's normal.  I remember thinking...did I do something to my son???  Haha.  It will go away on it's own.  You don't have to do anything.  Just give it a few days.
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