
Newcastle (Filthy) International Airport? Has anyone else seen the Airport look this bad?

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What an absolute disgrace for a (supposedly) International Airport. I took my in-laws to the drop off point on Sunday morning. The whole area looked as though it had been a Bigg Market party scene!




  1. When I have been in the past, its always been clean.  I am going myself in a couple of weeks time, so I will see whats it like.

    Maybe its changed hands recently, I hope you complained.

  2. use the place all the time sometimes good some times awful i can really see what you are talking about when i visit. it is a disgrace to the vibrant city of Newcastle and the surrounding areas. as well as there really slow service

  3. Hi,  go there often, its more than often clean.  if it is a little filthy,  it more than likely be done by  a TOSS POT  called

    UPURS. that,s if he can scrape himself off the bottom of  some ones shoe.

    Joe the trucker.

  4. I use the airport regularly and have never seen it anything but clean (and I have a very low tolerance for mess). That's really disappointing to hear - must have been a flight full of filthy scumbags arriving on Saturday night.

  5. To the person below/above, Geordie's visit Newcastle airport and so do other people doesn't mean Geordie's cause the mess!

  6. what do you expect from dirty scumbag lowlife geordies

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