
Newest cities In Switzerland?

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Hi, my husband and I and our 3 kids are moving to switzerland. Im wanting to know what are the newest cities in Switzerland, i know it´s a weird question, but let´s see if i can explain myself, we dont want to move into big noisy cities, but neither to small towns with no services. I´ve had friends tell me that there are cities that are nto that old and still are developed that are very good to live in, specially if u have kids, tons of greens, and things like that. Anybody knows?, something else, Can u survive in Switzerland just speaking English.




  1. If you are looking for a 'new' city don't come to Basel although it is a very modern city.

    Basel was first mentioned with this name (or the Latin equivalent Basileus) in year 374.

    I'm originally English and have lived here since 1975 and seem to like it LOL.

    Basel also has a Yahoo Group for English speakers called BaselExpat. See link below.

  2. very useful website for expats in CH...

  3. "NEW" big cities we usually don't have here... (that's Europe..)

    In which area do you want to live? Berne, Zurich, Lucerne or Geneva, Montreux (Montreux and Geneva if you speak French) could be interesting for you but they aren't "new". Checkout this site (its a tourism website but describes the cities very well):

    Just speaking English in the first time shouldn't be a serious problem especially in Zurich or Lucerne. In the French speaking part of Switzerland it could be a problem- in the German part not...

    Good luck!!!

  4. So, let me get this want to move to Switzerland, but you want it to be just like the US????  

  5. If you are moving in country which English is not the main language, you really need to learn either French, German (or even Italian if you want to live in Ticino).

    Nice place would be Montreux, Vevey, Neuchatel (French speaking), but most people speak English too).

    If you go to small cities or villages, not many people will speak English, so chose a town which have schoos and businesses which you can get by for the time being, until you are familiar with the language and customs.

    Geneva is an international city, so is Zurich, Basel and Bern. You can live on the outskirt of the city is you wish.

  6. Interlaken.

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