
Newfoundlanders were the economic backbone of Ontario?

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Years ago, I often heard the expression that if all the Newfoundlanders left Ontario, the province would come to a standstill.

For the past 7 or 8 years, thousands of Newfoundlanders have been leaving Ontario for Alberta for better wages. And now, it has been predicted that Ontario will become a 'have not' province. Coincidence, or is the expression above really true?




  1. I'm a Newfoundlander and I have worked in Ontario, where my employer said, "Anymore Newfs you know that I can hire?" I then went to work in the US and even there I heard comments about Newfie work ethic. Now I'm heading back to Ontario to work. I hope there are still some Newfs there I can make friends with. I know that doesn't answer your question but I wanted to put my two cents in. :-)))

  2. No,Ontario`s woes is the bad American economy.It is the manufacturing heartland of Canada and relies on a healthy economy in the US.The federal finance minister is currently picking on Ontario because he does not like the current Liberal government.It`s stupid, because he is the one who ran it in the ground when he was finance minister in Ontario.We are still recovering from him.He has been telling business not to invest in Ontario.He is making sure is party won`t get a seat in Ontario in the next election if he keeps it up.There are still Newfoundlanders  in Ontario.If it was true we would have worker shortages pulling are economy down.

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