
Newman Fires back at Rusty..what do you think of his comments??

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Ryan when confronted again by Rusty's comments..Newman fired back.."Was he conscious when he said it?"

"It doesn't matter to me, I know Rusty and his personalities--plural, I mean..everybody's just different..i'll say that??"

Source: Jerry Bonkowski




  1. Something is wrong with Rusty. I don't think he is getting the attention he needs lately. What purpose would it be to tell the world that Ryan Newman got fired instead of it being a mutual agreement.

    When Rusty was driving he was already mad at Newman

    for out driving him. Makes me re reflect back on the time when Jeff Gordon put the bump and run on Rusty. He whined about that.

    I'm siding with Newman.

  2. Rusty needs to keep his nose out of other people's business. He doesn't like Ryan, and Ryan feels the same about Rusty. Ryan needed to defend himself, but this should be the end of this thing. Let Ryan move on and let Rusty keep flapping his lips, like he always has.

  3. I think it meant that Rusty should just shut up, and stay out of peoples businesses.

  4. They have never gotten along.  So who really cares.  It just irritates me that Penske did not step in when they were together.

  5. yeah seriously what is all this talk about rusty wallace was it his idea to fire ryan?

  6. he different all right....hes a snot nose idiot...i was glad when he quit,now i wish he would just shut up....

  7. Well, they never have gotten along to start with, really. Roger really has never been a good matchmaker...Newman gave a pretty good explanation that they never got along. Rusty is an old-school and short-track racer and Newman is a college-graduate from Purdue. They have very differences in background. Penske has cleared the air in the matter saying he did not fire Newman, they just decided not continue, Rusty was speculating the bad performance made Roger Penske fire him, which was not so.

  8. Rusty was right and Newman hates it. Lucky for Newman he doesn't have to face Rusty on the track.

  9. they are both grown men and should act that way they are both great drivers.. and they should set example for younger drivers that look up to them

  10. It has never been a secret that Ryan and Rusty did not like each other. I am sure that Ryan is happy to leave a less productive team and hopefully get some wins again!

  11. Now we know what really happened to Rusty?

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