
News Media Ignorance: USCGC Dallas is not a warship?

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The Coast Guard is not a branch of the military. It is part of the Department of Homeland Security. The ships are not "warships" but cutters designed to intercept those trying to avoid customs, such as bootleggers and drug runners. US Warships are referred to as USS.... the USS DALLAS is a nuclear submarine. The US COAST GUARD CUTTER (USCGC) Dallas is a 40 year old cutter! It is not a warship and was sent because of that fact, even though it does have some defensive capabilities. Why is the News media making out like it is a warship? Are they trying to build a war like the yellow journalist William Randolf Herst?




  1. Your information is somewhat incorrect.  The US Coast Guard IS an Armed Force of the United States, and is considered part of the US Military.  It differs from the other services as you mentioned in that it is part of the Dept. of Homeland Security, instead of the Dept. of Defense.  However, it does operate as a part of the US Navy in times of war.  Of note, it is the only branch of the armed forces that has domestic law enforcement powers, and that is precisely why several US Navy vessels now carry USCG personnel on board, so that they can conduct maritime law enforcement activities.  The USCG can be used in times like these, or around civilian maritime traffic, because it's paint scheme and configuration is not generally "threatening," and does not cause a provocative response, or political outcry.

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