
News articles say that no one is changing driving habits, just giving up luxuries to pay for gas.?

by Guest58906  |  earlier

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Is this true for you? For example, are you renting less movies, eating out less, not subscribing to magazines, etc? Is it not affecting you at all, or contrary to the reports I have read, have you slowed down on your driving?




  1. Well, for my money, I was really agressive about addressing the whole gas crunch thing, I got a preview when travelling down south between Katrina and Rita, and got to see the "marketplace" in action (with 6+ gasoline) temporarily - of course.

    I bought a Prius and that has helped but frankly my driving hasn't changed too much, but I'm slowly preparing for my next switch up. The way things are headed we're gonna start seeing 4 then 5 dollar gasoline, The question is how do we react to that as a nation.

    I recommend the book 1000 barrels a second, it helped underscore that the oil crisis is

    A. for real,

    B. probably permanent at least for Light Sweet Crude

    C. NOT the end of the world, just the end of cheap gas.

  2. If we trade off our luxuries for gas then we lose. Our economy goes in the toilet and the middle eastern countries that supply our oil needs get rich. We depend on their oil.

    We have to find a way to do without their oil!

    I ride my bicycle to work. Been doing it for the last 10 yrs or so. Got rid of my gas lawn mower and got an electric. When gas prices first went up to $1.85 I said to myself, If they can go up to $1.85 what would keep them from going to $2.85 or $3.85 or $5.00.

  3. I have not slowed my driving one bit for two major reasons:

    1) My life style doesn't allow that. There is no public transportation where I live, and my work and college is too far to walk or ride a bike. Can't carpool cuz people have their own lives and schedules.

    2) I love my car. I drive a gas-guzzling fast sports car that eats premium gasoline, and I don't mind paying to feed her one bit. This car is one of the biggest joys in my life, and I know I wouldn't be happy without it. So, I have no complaints about sacrificing some of my play money so I can still drive it.


    But yes, prices do suck.

  4. slowed way down on going places

  5. I drive less and drive slower.   But it hasn't changed other things.   I also take the bus to work instead of driving alone.

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