
News paper writing!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest33856  |  earlier

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me & my friends planed to write a school news paper so we are kinda like short of ideas so could u pliz help & give me some ideas of what people might like to see in a school news paper. thanks sooo much if u give me some ideas




  1. Make sure that for the front page you the title in a nice big banner saying "News Paper". It´s essential that it´s two words like that. Then people will know what calibre of writing within they can look forward to.

  2. I use to write for my school newspaper!!

    write about the sport team....interview teachers, students like learning about their favorite teachers.

    write opinion articles like on gaay marriage, gas prices,  food served at school

    write about upcoming CD's

    promote a club or show faults with a club

    theirs sooo much!!!!  

    you really can write about anything!!!!!

  3. Have an article on beer on who drinks the most at your school. Another on who is joining the L*****n fad of the week. Another on what rich girl contacted another std at your school

  4. include help line numbers, do topics on bullying,depression,other things kids suffer from and where they can go for help.

    do an article on studying tips and techniques.

    get students to write in with true stories, or funny things that have happened.

    include a diary of forthcoming events

    good luck

  5. 1. Club Happenings.

    2. Add for suggestions for stories.

    3. Maybe an Honored teacher, or honored student column...

  6. things to do over summer break

    events happening in town that week

    ask Lisa column (column where u have an anonymous writer answering reader's question about anything)

  7. first off i hope you spell better in the news paper , but in all seriousness, try to write somthing about the schools food.. nutrition is a huge deal now adays... america is fat in general and needs a wake up call. find out whats going on in the cafeteria and not only will people read it but it might inspire change. peace,


  8. advice columns, letters to the editor (make posters around the school telling people to write to the newspaper), sports news, news about different clubs

  9. news.... their schoool.... and paaaper, im happy to help but i think you could have figured that out on your own

  10. General school news (of course), entertainment news e.g. Britains got talent etc.... you could even get students opinions on parts of the shows and publish that!

    plenty of things just think ouside the box :D

  11. I would say gossip or new and interesting things going on.

  12. the dress code

    the lunch for the week


    the gossip everybody loves gossip

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