
News says Rapists Recruited for Iraq makes Support Wrong?

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Would saying support the troops make the person saying it an accesory if convicted rapists were to commit crimes while in Iraq. News article said 1 in five soldiers was a convicted rapist from a non military prison is this so. Then if so does that make people who say support the troops an accesory to rape Should citizens then remove support by use of civic participation to stop such and also challenge support the troops satements in courts.




  1. I don't really get your question, but I would like to say that I smell what your cooking.

    Over 4,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed. Recruitment is at a low. So basically we are getting desperate.

  2. "News article said 1 in five soldiers was a convicted rapist"

    Link, please.

  3. Please post a link to this story.

  4. There are a small number of troops being accepted in the military that are convicted felons, if you had done your research the troops being forgiven were convicted of statutory rape...a nineteen year old having s*x with a 17 year old etc, a very small percentage are being forgiven to have the honor of serving their country..and you are being a petty and whats your story for not volunteering? are you a coward?

  5. No, the article you read is wrong. Very, very few soldiers have criminal records of that sort. Approximately 200 men with convictions (of any kind) do make it into the service per year, but in order for them to be accepted they pretty much have a second trial to prove the first one was invalid. (yes, sometimes and innocent man gets convicted....gasp)

    so, out of hundreds of thousands of recruits there might be 200 with past convictions (again I'll note that this includes ALL convictions)

    by and large the majority of US soldiers have no criminal records beyond driving violations.

  6. "...1 in five soldiers was a convicted rapist..."  Wow!  Not sure where you get your news (Al-Jazeera? NBC?), but I think your stats are so far off base I can't believe I even took the time to respond.

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