
News says schools cutting back buses and classes, is the economy that bad?

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Why doesn't the U.S. Congress have a meeting and figure out what to do in a crisis situation? Don't they do anything but approve war, banking ripoffs and big oil prices?




  1. All i know is that some schools around here no longer have the school open on Fridays just for the reason of the gas cost for buses.

  2. Schools are purposely kept too short on money.

    That way, the politicians get people to agree to higher taxes by whining " we need money for the schools".

    There is always enough money for everything else, including throwing it away to African dictators.

    Look for a substantial increase in taxes, after all the schools have to have it -- that ploy works every time.

  3. First because the main funding of public school systems is from the state, not the federal government.  Even No Child Left Behind was passed, signed, and then not funded!  But the truth is that the entire system is broken and as long as we keep trying to apply bandaids to a system that is bleeding to death, nothing is going to get better.  Here in Dallas, the school system has issued rules that no one can be failed, that no one can get a zero on a test, that no one can be penalized for turning in homework late, etc.  What use is it to continue a system that is that flawed?!

  4. I live in California and schools are closing, teachers are being laid off, special programs are being dropped, in our district school nurses who only worked 8 hours week in 4 different schools are having their hours cut, custodians and teachers aides are all being reduced.

    Our esteemed govenor, Schwarzenegger has made sure all state employees are making only the federal minimum wage. Can you imagine supporting a family, making a house payment and filling up your gas tank on $6.55 an hour?

  5. They are doing more than those things

    they are trying to starve the public school system so people have to resort to "For Profit schools"

    anything that is for the public good is being destroyed by the right wing

    That is how greed works

  6. The economy is the worst it's been since the Great Depression.Which by the way was the fault of the worst pres in history at that time a repukes named Hoover.Now w makes him look better every day.

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