
Newsnight reckons milliband will challenge cyclops brown for leadership before christmas. what do u reckon?

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Newsnight reckons milliband will challenge cyclops brown for leadership before christmas. what do u reckon?




  1. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.  If Milliband challenges and wins he will have to call a General Election which he can't win.  At the same time Gordon Brown can't win the next election if he is still leading the Party.  Labour is between a rock and a hard place on this issue.

    Nobody challenged Brown last year;  if nobody had the courage to do that then they do not have the courage to lead the country through the difficult times ahead.  It's time they held their hands up, admit defeat and leave some other poor sucker to pick up the pieces.

  2. I dont think he will this side of an election.

    Who would want thier first election as leader to be a losing one.

    Did you know Milliband worked for the IPPR as a researcg fellow!!  These are the idiots who tried to say Christmas should be downgraded.

    Do you really want him as a PM??

  3. Does it matter as Labour are finished anyway!

  4. I reckon he can do what he likes. It won't make one iota of difference. Labour are cattle trucked.

  5. A new leader will not save the party.

  6. He's a Blair clone. I just want to punch the spoilt, smarmy little silver spooned brat in to next week.

  7. No,

    Judge John Knacker, he is Jewish, he is not bothered about Christmas, ( Hanukkah )

  8. .. a bit like wondering who is going to get the job of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic next!  

    Gordon will be our shortest lived PM ever.  Unless Miliband wants to oust him and claim that prize - he'll be an even shorter lived PM and his career will be over.  

    Where are all the great statesmen?  Why do we keep getting these young, inexperienced, wet behind the ears career politician egomaniacs?  I'm fed up with it!  

  9. If he does, it will be too late - Cameron is the next PM and the Labour party will be in the wilderness for a long, long time. And I can't say they wouldn't deserve it.

  10. Which MILIBAND, Ed or David ?

  11. he might be right.

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