
Newton's law problem??

by  |  earlier

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the 30lb blockB is supported by the 55lb blockA and is attached to a chord to w/c a 50lb horizontal force is applied as shown. neglecting friction, determine:

acceleration of BlockA?

acceleration of Block B relative to A?




  1. Hi, Ray,

    Please share the figure with us.



  2. Hi,

    As there is no picture, I am assuming that the chord passes over a pulley.

    The difference in the weights = 55 - 30 = 25 lb

    therefore effective mass is 25 lb as the rest cancels each other.

    m = 25

    F = 50 lb

    also F = ma

    => a = F/m = 50/25 = 2 ft/sec^2

    This is the speed of block w.r.t. ground. and this is towards the direction of force.

    Similarly Block B will also travel with an acceleration of 2 ft/sec^2 but against the direction of force. So the acceleration of block B relative to block A is 2+2 = 4 ft/sec^2

    Your answers:

    acceleration of BlockA = 2 ft/sec^2

    acceleration of Block B relative to A = 4 ft/sec^2

    Hope to answer you well. Keep smiling. bye.
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