
Next August, whoaa?

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Okay so my church is going to Africa in August 2009, it's espeically for the youth though. &I have a passion for Africa, I really so badly want to go there. parents(amazingly) said I could go only if I raise 1,000 dollars by next summer. I need to raise this money, but I'm only 13, I can't get a do i do it? Donations anyone? :] Do I do a carwash or what? Is there any funraser up there that I can do ?




  1. I go to Mexico with my church every year, the way most people raise their money is to send out letters to church members and friends. Tell them where you're going, when, what you hope to accomplish etc...

    I can't guarantee you'll get $1000, but there will most likely be a lot of people who will support your passion for missions.

    He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.  Mark 16:15

  2. Go through your house and (ask your parents to donate) get rid of all the junk you have lying around and have a garage sale. If any of your friends have to pay as well, ask them to join you and you will have even more people.

    Make sure you write on the garage sale signs that it's for a mission trip; you'll get a lot of people!

    ^^Sell drinks and snacks at your garage sale, and it will get you a few extra bucks.

    You can also put up signs around your neighborhood for house/pet sitting, babysitting, yard work, decorating their house for the fourth of july, etc. You can be creative, and write that the money will go towards a mission trip!

    You can also sell your unused books/CDs to Half-Price Books or any other place that will buy books from you.

    Finally, you can ask your parents if they would be willing to pay you for doing extra chores every weekend.

    Lots of little things, but spend your time this summer and next summer wisely!

    If I think of anything else, I will let you know!
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