
Next Ice Age?

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when do you think the next ice age will start? because i know the porcess is global warminga dnt eh ntemputers drop really low, becoming and ice age. Im just wondering. WIll we be stuck in the next ice age????




  1. I don't believe in global warming - Al Gore starting talking this rot without any proof but we just experienced the coldest winter in 40 years - maybe we are in for Ice Age.

  2. Well, back in the late seventies the scientists told all of us we were going into a ice age because of Co and now our scientists are telling us we are going into Global Warming. Seems to me they are not really sure what is the correct answer, so now there going to tell you that it is called climate change. I just wonder what they will come up with next...

  3. Whatever you do don't listen to Captain.

    Al Gore started nothing. He is a spokesman because of his standing in the world as a statesman, and his lifelong concern for the environment.  Scientists have been doing this for over 30 years.  I was talking about it 33 years ago, but I didn't start it and I'm not a climate scientist.

      Common sense says that we can't go on doing what we are doing to this planet's ecosystems.  I don't need a climate scientist to tell me that.

    Global warming, in that context,  is just another effect of, mostly, the same things, that are causing all the other environmental problems.

    One possible scenario is that melting glacial ice will interrupt the so called conveyor belt of currents, which includes the Gulf Stream.

    Temperatures in Europe, for one, could plummet.

    This would be a result of global warming, not an alternative scenario.


    Right now we are in a interglacial part of that ice age.

    if you understand science you would see how this subject of global warming is filled with incorrect information.

    if the temperatures went up 5 degrees all that would mean was that the ice age would finely end.

    these sites show what the earth was like at temperatures 5 to 10 degrees higher.

    how can the global warmers make the claim that we are not just coming to a natural end of this ice age.

  5. tomorrow

  6. they say earth gose through chances and were heading to the part of jungles than deserts and then back to ice age

    no u will problary not live to see the next ice age if they follow histroy

  7. Pete, no they did not.  One guy (Lowell Ponte) predicted an ice age.  He's one of the major DENIER/skeptic's out there just as he was then, not a Global Warming advocate.  He's a roaring antisemite, and a good illustration of how the D/s movement ties into keeping oil as the major fuel and keeping the price high, to fund the ongoing efforts to bring about the destruction of the State of Israel.

  8. i`m sorry, I can`t see into the future

  9. According to this graph, an ice age could occur at any time (of course in earth years, that could be hundreds/thousands of years).

  10. not more than 40 years..


    no fake answers here.

  11. We came out of the last one about 12,000 years ago.  The next one isn't due for maybe 90,000 years.  Far too far off to worry.

  12. It is very possible we are in the beginnings of another ice age.

    Consider ALL heat dissipates - and the Earth's core at 9000 degrees is emitting heat from within - using convection currents to transfer heat towards the surface (thin crust):

    The same is true of the Sun - heat comes to the surface from a very hot core and the anomalies of Sun spots are a result of heat transfers.   Right now the Sun has grown Very Quiet

    I believe someday scientists will tie the 'convection currents' of both the Sun and Earth together via the Interplanetary Magnetic Fields - If anyone is alive after the next ice age.
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