
Next birth after a c-section?

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I had an emergency c-section with my daughter. My question is about when/if I have another child. Do c-sections have to be scheduled? I would opt for a c-section over natural birth, but I would want my baby to come when they are ready. So, do hospitals let you go into labor and have a c-section, without trying natural birth first?




  1. It's recommended to wait 2 years before having a vbac. I had an emergency c-section with my first also. I just had my second 3 weeks ago by c-section also. So much easier. It was scheduled in advanced. I just showed up and they were ready for me. They usually schedule it about 1-2 weeks before your actual due date just in case you went into labor early. It's harder if you do go into labor because everyone has to be called in for the surgery. When it's scheduled everyone is already to go. Plus (depending on they do things where you are at) When it's a scheduled c-section they can do things a little differently that will help you heal faster and better. I was up and moving around almost like normal by the end 2 weeks. I'm still a little tender of course but doing things i could do before I was even pregnant.  

  2. Ya you can pick the date up to 2 weeks early

  3. Most Dr's will schedule the c-section at 38-39 weeks to avoid you going into labor on your own. The risks of labor after having a c-sections are mainly that the contractions *can* cause uterine rupture. You will have to check with your Dr and if they won't allow it see if you can find a Dr who will.

  4. Depends on the hospital.  I had an emergency c-section with my daughter, and the doctor told me before I was discharged that my hospital does not do VBAC's and requires a scheduled c-section unless you go into labor before the scheduled day.  But he did tell me that another hospital an hour away did it differently if I wanted to try a natural birth.  You could always schedule at 40 weeks if you wanted, and not do it early like most women do.

  5. If you schedule another C-section then it will be scheduled a week or so before your due date to avoid you go into labor. They don't allow you to go into labor if you're planning on having a C-section.

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