
Next injections due for my son?

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My son has just turned 14 months but I thought there were more jabs de when he turned 13 months? Can someone tell me what jabs are due next and whether he is overdue - no one has contacted me yet from the doctors.




  1. Hello do you have a little red book that health visitors give you? I t says it in there and yes my son had one then. Ring your doctor and they will be able to tell you. Good luckxxx

  2. polio, diphtaria

  3. MMR is due around 13 months,,, visit your baby clinic and speak to your health visitor,,, they may have a backlog or something but do contact them thats what they are there for

  4. MMR usually due around 13 months  

  5. i think that the next one will be at 2 for a booster, but i am not you health visitor, they should know

  6. if hes up to date and had his 1 year check up and shots he should be okay till 3-4....thats how they did my sons

  7. Here is the next round of "jabs" shots your baby is going to need up until 11/12 years old

    12-15 months:

    Hib, Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR), PCV

    12-18 months :

    Varicella vaccine (Var) - may be given at any visit after first birthday.

    15-18 months :


    4-6 years:

    DtaP, MMR, IPV

    11-12 years :

    Tetanus booster (delay if less than 5 years since last tetanus vaccine injection).

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