
Next month is my sisterz birthday so i am planig to do a 80z theem party will it be a good idea to do that ??

by Guest62825  |  earlier

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Next month is my sisterz birthday so i am planig to do a 80z theem party will it be a good idea to do that ??




  1. Heck yes...who doesn't love the 80's cool hair and awesome music...and if she doesn't love it sorry to say this but then she's totally wack.

  2. Yes! 80's partys are SO much fun.

    You can dress up and have a costume contest.

    There is also so much great music from the 80's, and fun ideas for decorations by using music posters of the stars from that time.

    Hand out little tubes of hair gel as party favors.

    Good luck and have fun!

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