
Next queen of England a South African !?

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I dunno a lot about the British royalty. I know ole Charly is first in line too the throne, then William and then Harry. If something had to happen to Charly, Lizzy and William that would mean that Harry would become HM King Henry of Britian or whatever title he holds. Chelsey Davy a South African born girl would asscend the throne as Her Majesty Queen Chelsey of Brittian making it the first non-British royal to become queen ! Horrrray for the South Africans ! That is if they get married !




  1. No. Chelsey Davy will only be Queen Consort or Princess Consort to Prince Harry of Wales when he becomes King. Queen Consort or Princess Consort are titles given to the wife of a reigning king with no real power.

    She will not asscend the british throne since she is not in the line of succession (she was not born into the British royalty). She will never become Princess Chelsey or Queen Chelsey of the United Kingdon (these titles are only reserved for princess of the blood of royal descents).

    If Prince Harry dies, their children will be the next monarch in line, and if they did not produce any children throughout their marriage, the crown will go to his uncle, Prince Andrew of York (who is currently 4th in line to the British throne).

    If Chelsey does marry Prince Harry, she will have the title "Princess" and the use of the style "Royal Highness."

    Since she is not a princess in her own right, the wife of a prince of the blood takes her husband's Christian name in her title as do all married royal women.

    Upon marriage, her title will be "The Princess Henry Charles Albert David, Princess of Wales. Her full title will be "Her Royal Highness, The Princess of Wales" and "Chelsey, Princess of Wales.

    If and when Prince Harry asscends the throne, Chelsey will officially be titled as "Her Majestey, the Queen." So you are partially correct. Thanks for all the corrections, y'all!

  2. Um - there have been many of non-Brits that have been Queens of Britain.  Just to pick a few:

    - Queen Alexandra, Danish, consort of Edward VII

    - Queen Adelaide, German, consort of William IV

    - Queen Catherine, Portugese, consort of Charles II

    ...and many others

    If Harry married her and became Queen, then she would be the first South African born Queen Consort, but would not even be close to the first non-Brit.

  3. Rachelle Cadence, why can't Chealse be Queen just because she was't born Brit Royal when Diana was clearly going to become queen had things not gone eh wrong

  4. Just a correction to what rachelle mentioned.  The spouse of a King does take the title Queen and the style Her Majesty.  Actually she is formally called, Her Majesty The Queen.  The style Her Majesty Queen [name] is usually for women that are reigning queens and abdicate or for Queen dowagers.  Take the example of Elizabeth II's mother, she was styled as Queen.

    otherwise, rachelles answer is the best one here.

  5. Thank you.  I am a South African!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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