
Next stage of human evolution?

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Do you think there will be a next step step in human evolution and if so did anybody in the scientific community do research/make scientific predictions on what it would be?




  1. Yes, we're already in a next step. The modern human today is technically classified as a Homo sapien sapien. We look a lot different than modern humans (Homo sapiens) did thousands of years ago. We're probably always evolving, but it takes a while for those changes to appear. Things have to be selected for/against. But I don't think there's any way you can predict what the next change will be. Especially because we're so able to adapt to our surroundings that changes in environment don't have much effect on us.

  2. I heard something recently about how our thumbs are going to start getting bigger because of all the texting we do!

    Think it was probably just a joke though...

  3. Humanity now has the keys to their own evolution. Genetic research & engineering will soon allow us to tailor genes to fit our needs or wants. Without a doubt we will work to create higher intelligence & adaptability to changing future conditons... perhaps a higher level of carbon dioxide. Somehow we must get a handle on the rising population & enhance food production, so genetic engineering seems the most promising direction to proceed.

  4. Through radiation yes.

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