
Next week's parade of bad QB's?

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So San Francisco vs. Chicago in a preseason game, and two teams that have 3 competing QB's each. Should be interesting, well, at least to Chicago and Niner fans. Out of O'Sullivan, Smith, Hill, Orton, Grossman, and Hanie, who do you think will have the best season? I think O'Sullivan on the 49ers. Easier division, he did decent against GB, and seems to be the front runner for starting for the Niners.

I just kinda find this game funny, and this season I feel like Chicago and SF fans can really relate with each other.




  1. i dont think O'sullivan will be that bad. he will start over sorry *** alex smith

  2. I think that Orton is gonna start. I say this because Grossman so far has played horrible in the last two games. Thus i believe Orton will have the best season since he's starting. Hanie looks like he has some potential but thats down the line. And I dont know much about SF so I cant really choose to tell you the truth

  3. Chicago's problem has always been its owners, making the 85 Bears the exception, rather than the rule.  The strategy has always been to get one or two star players, pull the fans in, but not pay the dollars necessary for a top QB, etc.  They're a sleeper.  

    It's sad to see SF be just a shadow of what it once was - the premier dynasty in the NFL.  

  4. I don't know man, I am a niners fan, but I'll try to be unbiased.

    First of all, I'd take the niners QBs simply for the fact that the niners have Mike Martz masterminding the offense along with a couple of runningbacks (Frank Gore and DeShaun Foster) who can produce, so that's atleast some pressure off of whoever starts. Second, I think it's unfair to be so hard on Alex Smith. The guy has come into each season with a different offensive coordinator each time. That means he has had to learn a new offensive system every year. That would be hard on any quarterback. Granted, he makes some errant throws and has some lackluster judgement, but that's because he is studying a new playbook every year instead of practicing for the next season as much as he should be.

    But definately would rather be in the Niners situation. Atleast they have surrounded their Quarterbacks with targets like Isaac Bruce, Arnaz Battle, Bryant Johnson, Jason Hill, A possible sleeper in Josh Morgan, Vernon Davis, Frank Gore and DeShaun Foster.

  5. They are going to get rid of all of these QB's and trade for Brian Griese in Chicago, and Boomer Esiason is coming out of retirement to lead the 9ers.

  6. 2 storied franchises who are going to have REALLY BAD years.

    Let me tell you, with the Bears Offensive line, it would not matter if Joe Montana were QB, it's going to be bad.  I guess I'll go with you and O'Sullivan (don't know much about the Niner's QB's.).

    And the Bears will put Grossman as their starting QB.  Personally, I can't wait until Rex and Orton are gone from Chicago forever.  My best hope is we get the First pick in the Draft and a franchise QB from this season's suckiness.

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