
Next year I will be home-schooled. Any tips?

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Next year (9th Grade) I will be home-schooled and am looking for some tips for me and my parents. I live in Pennsylvania.




  1. Don't "s***w" with the teacher!!

  2. i was homeschooled for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th grade...try to make sure you still participate in enough social stuff outside of the house (it can get reeeeaaally lonely w/ just ur parents all day lol) good luck!

  3. Hi!

         I would suggest that you have a special room or area that is devoted to your school work only. So that when you are in that place, you have nothing to distract you from your work.

         I think a set schedule that you stick with everyday is important, meaning these hours are for school work, and this time is for your household chores, and when you are done that you have time for your fun stuff, TV, games or whatever you enjoy doing.

        Make sure you get some time to spend with your friends!

    Keeping up with your buds, is really important too, so that you don't get to feel isolated.

    Best wishes with your 9th grade experience!

  4. enjoy havin freedom like i am and make the most of it!

  5. The best tip I can give isn't a tip, but a book recommendation.  This book is written especially for teens like you.  If your parents behave, you can even let them read it.  :)

  6. I'm not sure what kind of tips you are looking for.  I'll assume your parents will be doing the homeschooling not someone else.  When I was homeschooled I did most of my work in my bedroom or outside (depending on weather).  So my suggestion to you is find a place to do you work.  Also don't lag behind on assignments.  It doesn't get easier if you procrastinate!  

    The biggest tip I can give you though is don't let people with negative views of homeschooling get you down!  They honestly don't understand how great homeschooling is!  

    Another thing you should do, if you haven't already, is to get involved in some sort of club or youth group.  I was in both 4-H and active in my church youth group.  If you are worried about losing friends from jr. high, don't worry at all.  If they are true friends they will stick by you, if they don't, they're not worth it anyways.  I know this from experience, I went to a public school for elementary and of all my friends there only three really stuck by me.  

    Don't sweat the small stuff.  If a day is going bad, don't get mad.  It's probably not as horrible as you think.

    I would also like to add that a brick building is NOT the real world.  You will learn many more life-skills to "survive" in the real world through homeschool because you will have more opportunities to interact in the real world.

    It's hard to know what else to say, as I don't know exactly what you're looking for.  I hope these few things help you and you parents and encourage you throuh your new adventure in homeschooling.

  7. can get a great education your way!

  8. Hey there.

    I went to public school up until the end of my 11th grade year and then I did home-schooling, but I wasn't home-schooled by parents or anything like that, I did online schooling. My online school was PDELA. If you want to check out their website it's    it is also Pennsylvania based.

    So, I finished my 11th grade year and senior year online (at home) and it was probably one of the best things I have done.

    All the teachers that are on PDELA were great! They were friendly and always there to help me out and help me with any questions. They were a big part in why I enjoyed going to school at home online.

    I excelled in all my work, more then I thought I would. I actually got to see how smart I was and how learning was actually a lot of fun. Sometimes public school makes that hard with all the drama that goes on, or too much focous on sports and things like that. It really depends what kind of person you are. I am a better learner when I do things myself. Usually when you are home-schooled or do online schooling you have more work to do, such as more text book material to read. If you can stay focous and organized well, then that's a huge plus. You have to stay on track.

    I'm not sure what kind of tips you are looking for, but I do recommmend the online school stuff and just to remember that you have to be focoused and organized.

    You really get to see your full potential when you are learning from home or online, at least that's what I believe.

    Also, many colleges accept online/home-schooled students. Sometimes they have different admission rules and requirements. Example, I know some colleges that I first started looking at didn't need SAT scores from me, just the state tests and ACT tests. Sometimes they even have different GPA requirements for online school/home schooled students. I know that you are gonna be in 9th grade, but I just figured I'd throw that in there.

    Hopefully this helped you out. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Good luck with everything!

  9. make sure you get out of the house enough

  10. My brother was home-schooled for that year. he spent half of it using bought textbooks, which were ok, but for the second half he went to an internet school, firstcollege. that was better and only four days a week.  if you are leaving mainstream school there should be someone who comes to check up on you anyway, so help should be at hand. good luck, i hope you manage to get on with your parents as teachers.

  11. Hum... I'm sorry...

    I have to say I don't agree with home schooling high Schoolers... It is FAR too important a developmental stage to lose by sequestering a teen away from their peer group.

    High School is where kids start to learn responsibility... Educationally, Physically, Socially, Mentally... All the way around.

    PLEASE do not neglect your social interaction with your peer-group!

    It is VITAL at this stage that you start to learn how to survive in the REAL world!

    High school my be cutthroat... With stupidity as far as the eye can see... Nevertheless, it is NECESSARRY to get you to learn how to take care of yourself in the CUTTHROAT AND r****d FILLED REAL WORLD!

    The real world, despite what everyone says, is nothing but life-long high school with ashtrays and having to pay your OWN bills...

    The BEST advice I can give you is to keep in touch with your local public school and see if you can be allowed to join activities there for at least part of the day so that you have SOME social exposure!! Join a team if you can… Join a club… Go to the dances… ANYTHING that will get you out into a large group of people and get that part of your brain forming in the proper way!

    Good luck to you… You’ll need it!

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