
Next year my parents r taking me to an europe country of my chioce does any one have any ideas?

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Next year my parents r taking me to an europe country of my chioce does any one have any ideas?




  1. go to Italy! Lots of great food, tons of art and touristy stuff and the people are fantastic!

  2. Look up Germany or Sweden, as well as Switzerland or Italy at your Library, there will be many books with Pictures, and then make a choice what you would like to see the most.


    everyone love ireland and we all have irish accents and r friendly

    three best things that are from ireland


    3.guinness or anything else from it's long list of alcohols

    anyway come to ireland. we rock

    ohh yes we have leprechauns

  4. Ooooh...take me with you! Um...when I was in Europe I absolutely loved Italy and France.

    I'd say it's a toss between Italy, France, and Greece. I've never been to Greece, but I have some Grecian friends who go back to visit every other year and they say it's beautiful. depends on what are of interest of you, language you like to hear spoken, and your age.

    Tell us what you eventually decide on!

  5. It all depends on what you like doing,

    Sitting in the sun - South of France, Greece

    Partying - Holland, Spain

    Further north is more for interesting things to do because the weather isn't all that reliable. So for art, Museums and Palaces etc. - Russia Northern France or England.

    I'm guessing you are from the USA, the Euro is doing relay well at the moment and as the pound is down it might be cheapest visit the UK.

    I have to say I have been to Italy and Greece with Female friends, in the UK when its hot its OK for women to were small tops but the men of these country's the get the idea that women from the UK and USA are easy to get into bed, I thought I should tell you because although I was in a large group of friends the girls we were with were very uncomfortable at times with the way the men in these country's acted towards them.

    BUT it relay does depend on your own interests SO tell us what you want from a Holiday and we can help !!!

  6. North Korea!

  7. England



  8. ITALY

    so beautiful. so romantic. Or Greece. The men are smokin

  9. Italy or Spain. Guys are hot, food is good, many places to see...

  10. Wow, you are so lucky!

    It depends what you like really, you haven't said what you are into?  I've done loads of travelling & I know it's a cliche but the best city I've been to was Paris.  It's the sort of place where it's great to just sit around in cafe's & people watch.  It's just the atmosphere of the place.

    I also loved Denmark, Copenhagen is really funky & the countryside is beautiful with cool houses with thatched rooves & it's all flat so is great for cycling.

    The worst cities I've ever been to are London & Berlin but alot of people like them.  I thought they were ugly & depressing.  The 2 ugliest cities I've been to & got followed alot by perverts & criminals in Berlin.  In London the people are nice, but that's about the only nice thing I have to say about it.

    Amsterdam is interesting re the canals & architecture, but it attracts alot of low life people re the dope cafe's where you can smoke dope.  And the Dutch people there are rude & horrible.

    I also loved Vienna in Austria.  Kind of like Paris.

    Germany can be interesting re it's castles, etc - like the famous Neuschwanstein Castle in Fussen.  And Munich is awesome.  And the massive cathedral in Cologne is pretty impressive!

    The Greek Islands are amazingly beautiful too.  Most people don't want to leave.  But beware of the motorcycles you can hire.  They are dangerous & often insurance companies won't cover you if you have an accident on one & the healthcare in Greece is appalling.

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