
Nibiru---Planet X--magnetic pole shift...professional insight from an astrophysicist?

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Nibiru---Planet X--magnetic pole shift...professional insight from an astrophysicist?




  1. Nibiru does NOT exist.  If a large enough planet were traveling into the inner solar system, it'd have hit something by now.  Plus, it'd give off a lot of Infrared radiation.  

    Poles shift all the time, geologically speaking.  It hasn't caused any adverse effects on the biosphere.

  2. you don't need to be a professional to know that is this nothing more than a cruel and cynical hoax.

    among other things, if nibiru was going to be in our vicinity in 2012, it would be a prominent naked-eye object now, well within jupiter's orbit. where is it?

  3. In the context of the Big 2012 Hoax Off, Nibiru and Planet X are the same invention.  

    The name Nibiru was given by older civilizations (Sumerians, Babylonians) to the planet we call Jupiter.  But it took us a while to be sure of that (the first documents were difficult to translate, since they did not come with a dictionary).

    One of the early translators (who also had a vivid imagination) created the legend that Nibiru was a planet on a strange orbit, coming our way every 3700 years (or so).  According to him (he still believes his story), the next approach should be in 2085 or after (not before).

    Even this guy is fed up about charlatans hijacking "his" fictitious planet to make it participate in the Big 2012 Hoax Off.


    Magnetic pole shifts:  They occur, on average, every 700,000 years, and we are due.  However, it could be that it has not even started yet (for sure it had not started 20 years ago).  The process takes at least 1,000 years (with experts pegging the average duration of the reversal process at 5,000 years).

    It is a process that takes place deep between the outer core and the inner mantle.  It is not related to any real planet, nor any fictitious planet.  (It may be related to the Moon, but that is just a vague idea for now).

    Let's see:  has not started by 1988, takes over a thousand years;  therefore it can not be done in time for the Big 2012 Hoax Off.


    Better luck in 2085.

  4. This is nonsense, and all real scientists worldwide agree. Some charlatan started this. It is amazing that anyone would want to believe such absurd c**p.

  5. I am a professional astrophysicist. In my professional astrophysicist opinion, everything involving Nibiru, pole shifts, and 2012 is utter bullshit.

  6. I am a professional astrophysicist and I assure you that Planet X/Nibiru does NOT exist!

    If it did we would be able to see it by now. And we would have detected it in the infrared years ago with either IRAS or WMAP (infrared sky surveys).

    As for pole shifts...

    The magnetic poles move all the time.

    There is a geologic record that shows it has happened many times in our past but not at regular intervals. Time between reversals can be 10000 yrs or a million years.

    However - we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process - if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

    The latest hypothesis is that the Earth's magnetic field gets chaotic, with lots of north and south poles - so we still have a magnetic field, but compasses will be useless. And then it straightens itself back out, but with north and south reverse.

    This is actually similar to what the sun does - but the sun does it on a regular 11 year cycle.

    As for when it will happen - those people that observe the magnetic field think it will go through its chaotic thing and reverse some time soon based on how it is currently behaving, but that is a hypothesis waiting for the event to occur to be tested, and the exact date certainly is not known.

    Now for the rotational axis and its shift:

    The axis of the earth does wobble on several known timescales. These wobbles are known as the Milankovic cycles.

    Basically the axis of the earth’s rotation does not always point to Polaris (the Pole Star); and we are not always inclined at 23.5 deg. So the poles do move relative to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun, and relative to the stars – but the shifts are minor.

    And not caused by mythical planets!

  7. Okay!  This is the definitive answer from the professional you are asking for.  IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!  It is all one big hoax, and that is the considered opinion of every astronomer, astrophysicist and cosmologist I know, which is most of those in the US, and quite a few in Europe, Russia and the Far East.

  8. Well as a seasoned expert in the field of astronibiruXics I can qualifyingly say that the whole thing is without merit and highly devoid of reason, but don't count on pre-paying your mortgage for 2013, if you know what I mean.

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