
Nice Childbirthing Stories?

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All I have read on here is horrible -make me want to cry- stories. Did anyone have a normal birth without ripping without emergency c-section without horrible horrible pain? I doubt the last one is possible :D

Also, describe to me how that pain feels what you think when you felt it and how horrible it is. I just cant imagine it yet and sometimes I just think it wont be soooo bad but I know it will :D




  1. OK first off get the hypnobirthing book and try if possible to take a hypnobabies course.  I read the book and what I took out of it is that the whole fight and flight thing is very real.  If you look at childbirth as a painful horrible experience it will be.  When you are scared your body tenses and you experience more pain trying to run from yourself...or soemthing like that.

    My daughters birth was the typical first time mom scared to death hospital birth.

    For my son I had him, all 9lbs 13oz, naturally in the birthing center.  I was only in labor maybe 5 hours and was only at the BC 1 hour before he was born...maybe 45 minutes.  I was so excited when I went into labor to be having my son...I just stood up the whole labor... and witheach contraction would just somehow go into myself and btw them I was laughing and joking with everyone.My 5 year old was there and was never scared or anything.  I did not tear but his shoulder did get stuck for a minute and it punctured stitch internally NOTHING...

    If you want more info or have any questions feel free to contact me...GOod luck

    My baby was due christmas eve also.....I had him 12/29.  Induction was never discussed because of christmas...I would never force a baby out if they are not ready to be born because I do not want me or the dr to be inconvenienced.

  2. Well..I had a great birth!!! I was in labor for 23 hours which only got painful the last 5 hours or is like you have to go poo and have cramps at the same time..well maybe it hurts a little worse than that but I could take it..I got to the hospital at 3pm..hung out with my hubby cried a little and then at about 10pm or so I was fully dilated and ready to push..I pushed for 43 minutes and I did not even feel her coming out and there she was 11:18 pm my perfectly healthy baby..they laid her on my tummy and I was in love!! I only tore a little and needed two stitches which I did not even feel..It was an awesome expereince I can't wait to doi it again..and this was my first baby!!

  3. I had a pretty good labor and delivery. I started contracting at midnight and had contractions all night, every 30 minutes or so until morning.  I went to the hospital, thinking they were braxton hicks, to have the nurse tell me I was already 5 cm dilated!! At that point, they were like period cramps times 5 or so. Nothing I couldn't handle. I just breathed through them.

    At 7 cm it got pretty intense and I asked for an epidural to be more comfortable. The epidural was painless and kicked in in about 60 seconds. I felt a tiny bit of pain with the contractions, but got to rest before I got ready to push. I ended up pushing for a couple of hours because I couldn't feel anything (the doctors didn't stop the epidural). I tore a little bit, but I never felt it and it healed within 2 weeks afterward. I think I had a great birthing experience!!

    A lot of the pain women feel is created by fear of labor. I think it didn't hurt so bad for me was because I actually didn't know I was in labor until I was 5 cm dilated. Even when I found out, I was relaxed and confident and breathed through it all.

    Congratulations and Good Luck! It's nothing to be afraid of!

  4. nice, childbirth stories?  the reason you don't hear too many of those is because they rarely occur.  now mine wasn't too bad.  i was induced with pitocin, i had horrible contractions for about an hour before they gave me an epidural and then a while later i had a c-section.  the c-section really wasn't so bad, except there' s quite a bit i don't remember.  anyway, a normal birth is one that is full of pain but the pain is only temporary and you really do forget about the specifics of it once you have the baby which is why i really can't decribe the pain for you.  i know its the worst i've ever felt and that i was crying and begging for mercy but i can't remember what was so bad about it.its like trying to remember something but you can't quite put your foot on it.  it will be bad but don't worry, worrying won't help at all and it definately won't reduce your pain.  i remember just thinking to myself, well i'm pregnant now so there's nothing i can do about it.  the pain is coming and worrying will not help me.  when i was having contractions at first i would hold a baby picture of me and one of my husband and remember that the pain was only temporary but i would have a child forever.  but in that last hour they were to painful for me to hold pictures and dream about baby faces.    you will get through it, your body was made to do so.

  5. I don't think anyone is ready for that kind of pain. My daughters birth was not all that bad i went into labor about 6 PM and had her at 4 AM. I got the epidural and time fled. She was out before i knew it with the epidural people say they couldn't feel anything i felt like i had to push put with out ANY pain. All i know is if you do get the epidural DO NOT look at it. When i had to push it just felt as though i needed to go to the bathroom it was really weired. If they said i am going to have all my labors like that one i would have 50 it wasn't bad at all. Now i hope i have as much luck with this one like my first. Good luck to everyone out there and if you set it in your mind that you can do it then you will if you say you cant you wont.

    *Mom of 2 year old and 33 weeks pregnant  

  6. hon, there isn't really much "nice" about child birth. it's a painful process. that's just life.

    mine weren't horrible, but they certainly were adventurous!

    the pain..with the first one i was scared out of my mind, and all i wanted was my mother. it wasn't pleasant, and it was all natural (as all of them were)

    by the time i had my last baby i was well aware of what i was getting into. I knew what to expect. i would feel a contraction coming, and i would let it build then i would purposely relax my body, relax my brow (forehead) and just ride it out.

    i got into a groove and did just fine, till i started pushing that is.

    my last baby was breech, i had an external version before hand, and he was coming out at a bad angle so the pressure was intense.

    on top of if all, all my labors have been induced w/pitocin (due to asthma, group b strep and gestational diabetes). i was told that pitocin contractions are more intense than natural. they are suppose to be strong to get you going.

    i don't really know what it's like not to have pitocin contractions since i've never been allowed to let my labor start naturally due to health reasons..but i never had pain meds.

    it's bad, but it's manageable if you know what to do. i would recommend lamaze if it's your first, or you will be in for a rude awakening!

  7. my birth was exactly that, natural birth, no drugs and i probly get shot for saying this but i wouldn't say it was painful at all, i think intense describes it better!

    my waters broke at 37 weeks, but i wasn't having any contraction on my own so i had to be induced. i had the drip in for only about an hour then i was off and racing on my own. i had about 3 hours of dull-sever period pain like cramps (contractions) during this time i was just sitting on the bed eating lollies and chatting with my husband and mum, when i hit transition that's when it started to get intense, but it was really quite bearable after an hour i was pushing and 25 mins later my son was born, my husband caught him as he came out! it was awesome, it was nothing like what people told me it would be like. i loved every minute of it. my labor was 5 hours from start to finnish.

    i did have a second degree tear tho because he came so quickly. the stitches hurt more than the labor lol!

  8. In most situations in life the ones who are unhappy are the most vocal. No one calls the restaurant to say how great their food was, but most people call to complain about their burnt meal and poor service.

    I was induced, I tore, it wasn't pleasant at the time, but 5 seconds after my daughter was born I forgot all about it. It really isn't that bad when you know the end result is getting to hold your baby.

  9. i had what i like to think of as a perfect pregnancy, no complications and i never felt held back from my normal daily activities. i did have a c-saction but it wasn't an emergency, my son was just a big boy which i later found out didn't matter because my pelvic bone just isn't wide enough. i got up on my own the very next morning and only took 4 pain pills all while i was still in the hospital because my nurse advised me to. really getting my wisdom teeth out a month later hurt way more!

  10. I had 2 amazing births with my sons. First labour was 14 hours but not at all as painful as I imagined it to be. They felt like deep period pain cramps. What helped for me was having my partner time them and then encourage me that it was nearly over. I don't know why but for some reason telling myself the pain only lasts for 60 secs helped alot.

    I had abit of trouble pushing my first out but with hard work and alot of support he was born healthy and happy.

    My second son was very quick. I had my first painful contraction at 5.45am and he was born at 8.30am. We were lucky to get to the hospital in time. Contractions once again just felt like deep period pain and the feeling when I was pushing him out was a little more intense than my first. The relief of being able to push helped to relieve my pain and I knew in order to feel better I needed to get him out so I pushed through the burn and once again had a beautiful healthy baby boy!!

    My best advice would be to know what to expect. Yes it is painful but if you understand why and the process your body is going through it will make it easier to cope!

    Good Luck

  11. Iam pregnant now with baby #4 (due sept. 16).  My first 2 were natural, I was in labor for 9 hours with the first one, and 6 with the second.  They were both easy deliveries, no ripping, no tearing, the just slid on out lol.  It hurt real bad but after I got my breathing down it was not that bad.  Baby # 3 was induced (only because I was due on Christmas, and it was the doctors idea because who wants to be at the hospital on christmas), this was the easiest of all (I had an epidural with this one).  The pain during labor is very intense, but once it is over you dont even think about it.  Good Luck.

  12. its always scary heading into something you have pretty much no control over, hehe. that being said, i had two births. my daughter i labored strongly for about 6 hours. by the time i was set up for an epi, i started pushing, i went from 2 cents to 10 in like 15 mins. i did have to be cut with her but afterwords your so focused on the baby you don't pay much attention to what they are doing below:) the second birth was about the same but i only labored 3 hours and i tore instead f cutting. still same affect. my labor pains where like extremely strong period cramps.

  13. Well My birth story is one you wont hear everyday.

    My dr induced me 2 weeks before my due date cause my baby was measurig big and he was he was 9ibs 8oz. So I get to the hospital at 6am and they start me on pitocin this was my 2nd baby my 1st was 9ibs even. I am a extremly thin girl.

    So My dr comes in at 7am and breakes my water i was 4 cm already.

    at 9:30 she checks me and im 5 1/2cm and I am im getting painfull contractions but nothing i couldnt handle. I talked to my 4yr old on the phone while doing pelvic rocks standing up.  At 11:30 she checks me again im 8cm dialated. I call my mom to tell her she better hurry or shes going to miss it. At 12:50I start to feel pressure Nurse comes in to check my and my sons head is almost out. Dr comes n has to cut me becouse his shoulders got stuck but only like 5 pushes and he was out. he was born at 1:09

    voula it was easy as pie lol....And yes my mom sadley missed it....

    it feels like MAJOR gas cramps and tightness

  14. It's not that bad, and you'll get through it just fine, no matter what happens.  Just make sure you educate yourself on pain relief and what happens with C-sections, because labor and delivery are very unpredictable.

    The way I went into labor was rather weird, at least I think.  I had had bloody show in the three days before I went into labor, and the day before, I got up at 4 a.m. and cleaned the kitchen!  :)  At that point, I was 2 centimeters dilated and about 80% effaced, and I had been that way for a good couple weeks.  The morning I went into labor, I woke up at 2 a.m. feeling completely normal, and went to the bathroom.  I went back to bed and woke up suddenly at 4 a.m. with a cramp in my stomach and the feeling of tons of discharge coming out (sorry if TMI).  At first I thought my water broke, but about an hour later at the hospital, I was informed I was merely losing my mucous plug.  I felt like such a dope.  But to backtrack a little, I started having contractions that were 2-5 minutes apart and lasting about 30-60 seconds within minutes of when I first woke up with that cramp and losing the mucous plug.  I was admitted into labor and delivery by 7:30 a.m., and they broke my water, which brought me to three centimeters.  I then sat there without drugs, but never dilating, with contractions that got worse and worse, for almost five hours.  That was when I said s***w this, get me the epidural.  They also gave me pitocin.  The epidural was nice, but the disadvantage was having to lie still for hours on end.  Also, it did make me vomit, but the good news is the vomiting made me dilate from 5 cm to 8 cm within a half hour!  :)  To make a long story very short, I finally started pushing at 8:00 p.m.  My daughter was born at 11:03 p.m., and I just barely avoided a C-section.  I was lucky that my OB-GYN was as determined as I was to deliver my daughter vaginally.  

    That 19 hours of labor was totally worth it, because I am absolutely crazy about my little girl!  She's wonderful, beautiful, everything I could have asked for in a child.  I had an easy pregnancy, and I have to say motherhood, at least for me, is even easier!

  15. I have had five kids, all of my births have been easy. My longest labor was four hours and I pushed for like five minutes. So anything is possible. I had my first three natural, and my last two with an epidural. The sort of indescribable, but if i had to compare it with another pain, I would say it was like an extremely bad lower belly gas pain..mixed with some back ache, and menstrual cramps all rolled into one hefty contraction..LOL..but the second..and i literally mean THE SECOND..your baby is born, the pain goes away. Good luck to you and congrats

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