
Nice guys, players, former players I need your advice please!?

by Guest60872  |  earlier

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I am soo very confused! I like this guy, of course the bad boy rep. but he like treats me different. We talked everyday for over six months then one day we completely stop talking (this would be the player lol).It took me awhile but I moved on and started talking to this other guy, he is cute and such a sweetie (nice guy- but actually really cute**).

Okay so this is probably going to sound a little weird, the first time I've ever talked to the player, guy #1 was on my friends birthday, well exactly one year later, on my friends birthday he started talking to me again. I never told him was day it was, so he either remembered or it was just a weird fate?

I'm still kinda like confused about him, cause idk I liked him so much and we had a good thing going. He still likes me and said he misses me, but he won't tell me why he stopped talking to me. If he liked another girl, I wouldn't care, its the past, I wouldn't go all crazy I just was crushing on him. And its like as long as I feel this way, I don't know if I could like this other guy, who he so flippen cute, and its like I need my closure, but i'm afraid if I do get my closure, i'm going to go back with him. It seems like we have this weird fate together, everytime i'm about to get over him he walks right back into my life ughhh!

So to sum up my question, should I...

a) stop talking to this guy completely, cause I found another guy

b) have him tell me what was so important he had to stop talking to me for months without even saying why




  1. A.) Forget the player and go with the nice guy. I'll tell you why the player stopped talking to you... He wants you to chase after him and think about him and he is doing a dam good job. The player is going to have hundreds of girls in the future. The nice guy... maybe just 1 or 2 in the next 15 years. Have a heart!

  2. Well first of all, the first guy you still really like, and then you seem to have moved onto another guy.. YOU need to decide who you really like.. or it makes you a playa by leaving the second guy hanging out there..

  3. go out with the cute guy and see how it goes but just be friends with the other guy for now ,if you really feel like you would be better off with the 1st guy then brake it to the cute guy ,he'll get ove it so dont worry to much .the #1 player may want to just be friends and he thought he was giving ou the wrong impression by talking to you everyday so he thought he would stop ... remember boys have weird minds none of us really understand them hahah it will take a while but maybe you and the cute guy will make a great couple !!!

    hope i helped and good luck

    ashley xxxxxx

  4. go with b

  5. He already gave u his answer with his actions. When u not digging a guy, what u do?? Ignore him??? Soooooo.......

    Leave this player alone cuz whatever he did once, he's liable to do again. And don't forget, life is about moving FORWARDS, not back.

    So go on w/ur life and keep doing this and u'll be fine. Trust me.

  6. I think both a and b....first start not paying attention to him and ignoring whatever he says or does........This will make him pay more attention to you and maybe he will start to like you....When you think it's enough...Stop it and talk to each other....Talk for everything you have in your mind........Everything which happend while you weren't talking to him and....Tell him the truth..Whatever he asks you etc...TELL HIM THE TRUTH.....that's all I could think....Hope it helped...PLZ vote as best answer..plz........thnx a lot in advance..!!!

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