
Nice red flowers that aren't roses?

by Guest59425  |  earlier

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I love roses, and may go with them, but I'm looking for other flower suggestions that are available in a nice crimson red colour.

Links to picks of suggested flowers would be great, as I'm really quite incompetent when it comes to knowing what flowers are what....besides roses, at least I know that much!





  1. rhododendrons are beatiful if you have the room, azalias are as well and are smaller, tulips fade away too quickly, but honestly, nothing will last as long in the season as the roses.

  2. I dont have a link but tulips are great. Their more of a lightish red color.

  3. There are some good red camellias, which aren't scented but won't bite you. The answer really is to go to a good nursery in your town (ie not a supermarket, hardware or similar chain), and have a look. Ask the salesperson to recommend plants that grow well in your area and don't need spraying; and ask how big they grow, when they bloom, and what looking-after they need.

  4. Carnations, geraniums, poppies, chrysanthemums, to name a few.

  5. You might like the red gerbera. Here's a photo of what it looks like

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