
Nickgas is still on dishnetwork! YAY! anyone hear when they are planning on dropping it? i hope it stays! GAS!

by  |  earlier

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i KNOW what people say about nickGaS, and how LAME it is, and viacom/MTV networks should replace it with other channels. well did you KNOW there is PLENTY of satellite space and transponders, and channel room for nickGaS and theN/noggin all on seperate channels? thank GOD for dishnetwork channel 177! if/until they drop nickGaS, and the superstation package, i WILL continue to be a dish subscriber! these channels seperate DISH, from direct/cable who offer ONLY what they see they THINK people want, and NOT what people might seem to like, BUT don't feel they need to petition and call, and write everyday for! THANK YOU nickGaS for being there, and thank you dishnetwork for continuing the channel(AT LEAST FOR NOW). hope it stays! go ahead, now slam me for what i like, it's ok! i expect MNY direct/cable and nickGaS haters to slam my comment now! lol! go to it! IF your a nickGaS lover, write too! long live nickGaS! even if only in memories! DISH 177 ROCKS till it's gone!




  1. Hi nickgasfan,

    I wouldn't slam you for what you like. I have no problem with Dish or Nick Gas. Our kids have outgrown it but it isn't a bad show at all.


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