
Nicknames for my child?

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I have a two month old son named August Tennyson. My family is wonderful, and I love them dearly, but I need advice on a particular situation. My brother-in-law affectionately called my son "Gusty" on the day of his birth, and since that day, the nick name has stuck. My husband is Greek, and August is short for Augustus, a name we both put much thought into. We decided right away we would prefer to use his full name (August). However, everyone (in-laws, cousins, even friends) is now calling my child Gusty. It really bothers me, and I suppose as a proud new mama I dont like my sons name shortened to something I dislike. Am I over reacting? How do I stop this? I corrected people, but I have even received crib sheets embroidered with the name Gusty now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. I don't think you are over reacting, I wouldn't want people to call my child a nickname I didn't like. I think you just have to continue to correct people and hopefully they will get it eventually, just keep saying August over and over whenever someone calls him Gusty. And I don't blame you, I don't like that nickname either. I do know a little boy named August, and his nickname is Auggie, I know your not looking for another nickname, but I do think that one is better than Gusty.  Good luck and try not to let it get you down.

  2. mother is a creator,protector,guider to her beloved baby yaa. u have full authority to select the nick name to your baby.i know maam you did t like the nick name which was selected by your discuss with your family&try to convince them.soft words definitely will steal their hearts because your s family  members are loving u than the height of everest.the y will surely agree with sweet  hug to your happy ..........swathi

  3. McGyver.

  4. I think the crib sheets is going too far. When you correct people, you could say "We really prefer August, please call him his full name." And especially when he's a little older, tell people you don't want little August to be confused about what his name really is. (My cousin Eileen was shocked on her first day of kindergarten to learn that her name wasn't just "Elly"!).

    I love the name August, it's masculine and handsome. I'm sure his uncle is just being cute - but maybe the nickname should be just between August and his uncle.

  5. That's a tricky one, that's for sure. I clearly remember when my brother had his first baby, Will. My mum mistakenly thought that Will was short for William and my SIL soon put her right, rather rudely, I thought at the time. I remember wondering what the big deal is. Fast forward to me having my own children. One of them is called Luka and here in Sweden, the name Lukas is the number one most popular name - most people think his name is Lukas and it drives me crazy. So, I can totally see where you are coming from but I also think that many of your relatives MAY think you are overreacting and won't get why you are so bothered about it. I think you need to get them all together and explain that you just don't like Gusty and that his name is August and that you would prefer him to be called that. However, I don't think you are ever going to stop getting nicknames but at least you will not receive any more sheets with the wrong name written on them.

  6. try Gus, Ten, Son, GT, u can come up with all sorts of names

  7. When you are around him with your family, always refer to him as August. Try to over-say his name so people will really get it. If using his name in conversation, use 'August' instead of 'he'. Hopefully they will get the point.

    You aren't over-reacting. Sheets with a NICKNAME is WAY too far. Unless you make it clear you want them to call him Gusty, they shouldn't be doing that. You chose his name with love and people are calling him something you really don't like. Keep correcting them, they will eventually get it. If you are looking for a new nick-name, how about Augie?

  8. tell them you really hate it and if you wanted to call him gusty you would have. ask them to respect your wishes and call him by the name you gave him. if you do that im sure they will understand. cant think of anything to call him

  9. I think it's kinda cute... because August is kind of a big name for a little infant.  Though I'd love to see a little boy with the nn Gus.

    However- The embroidered crib sheets is pushing it.  that would make me mad too.  if I had told them I didn't like the use of a nickname. If you dislike it so much, then politely tell anyone using the nickname that you'd really prefer them to use his given name.  However many times you need to repeat it- do it.  But try not to get too gruff about it.  Nicknames are "usually" tems of endearment- no harm meant.

    (unless of course it's mean kids on a playground)

    I don't have a problem with nicknames- but would definitely put my foot down if I were you.

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