
Nicotene in Cigarettes?

by  |  earlier

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Do you believe that the tobbacco companies should be allowed to add nicotene to cigarettes to keep you smoking their product? We would not allow the pepsi company to put an additive in their drinks, to keep you drinking their product. So why should the tobbacco company be allowed to do that?

The put a certain amount, because too much will make you sick, so yes nicotene is added to the product.

What are your thoughts?




  1. Do not ask such questions! I decide what is good for you! I will do what I want, I control everything you buy. Be quiet and go watch TV. You will obey me while I lead you to the garbage I will feed you, don't go for help, no one will heed you. Your mind is totally controlled, you are putty stuffed into my mold, now run off and do what you are told.

  2. I agree with you.

  3. Some people like nicotine in their cigarettes.  If you don't, don't buy them.

  4. actually, nicotine is in tobacco naturally i heard. and the only way to get it out is to boil it in bleach which would make it nonsmokable. so in my opinion they shouldn't even farm tobacco.

  5. We do "allow" the Pepsi company to put an additive in their drinks that keeps people drinking their products. There are two of them, one being high fructose corn syrup, the other being caffeine.

  6. Should beer and spirits companies be allowed to put alchohol in their beverages - they are addictive too.  It is all about the lobbyist and corrupt politicians in Washington out to serve only themselves not the public.

  7. Nicotine is found naturally in the tobacco adding more will only make one more dependent...

    As nicotine is reputed to be more addictive than heroin then if this is done it should be stopped.

    But tobacco companies have never worried about their customers...they have always be seen as a captive market..

  8. Well, I think they should. They do it to control the amount of nicotine in them. Some cigarettes have a lot, some less (Lights). If it were based strictly on how much nicotine were in the tobacco plants, then one pack might be really weak and you would smoke them down quickly, and the next might be much stronger and make you dizzy or nauseous.

    So, when you think about it, they are doing it for you, to make you comfortable and keep you happy. Be grateful, and keep on smoking!!! BTW, how long have you been smoking?

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