Nigeria developing Volleyball in the region – Volleyball news
Nigeria, the country which generally falls under the control of Confederation Africane de Volleyball (CAVB), is willingly involved in the development of volleyball. In the recent memory, the Nigerian Capital City Abuja is hosting a groundbreaking International
Refereeing Candidate Course.
The course officially started this past Friday, May 6, 2011 and it is scheduled to continue until the coming Friday, May 13. It is considered one of the major referee courses in the African Continent. CAVB had planned this activity during the previous season
and finally it happened in the running month. Nigeria was indeed best suited for such activity at this time of the year.
The course invited aspiring referees of both genders from all across Africa. On the opening day of the course, a total of 25 participants showed up on the scene. The group of 25 referees was mainly comprised of men but two female referees were also included
in the participants.
As far as the African region is concerned, this is a good number of referees who have made it to the course. It will surely bring a positive change in African Volleyball.
Hassan Mohamed, CAVB Referee Commission President called it a great success that the course has attracted this much of participants.
He expressed his views in the following manner, “I’m happy to see this number of participants here in Abuja as this will improve the standard of refereeing in Africa a lot in the coming years. I want to send my special thanks to the two women referees because
they will aid our project to increase the number of women referees.”
The Federation International de Volleyball (FIVB) has appreciated the efforts put by CAVB and Volleyball Federation of Nigeria. As a gesture of support, the FIVB has sent Klaus Fezer of Germany to instruct at the course.
The refereeing course is underway and the participants are busy learning new techniques of the games. The Nigerian electronic and print media is giving coverage to the event, so that more and more people get to know about the volleyball development in area.
The credit solely goes to the Secretary General of Nigerian Volleyball Federation and General Director of National Sports Commission, who supported the cause and brought such development project to their country. CAVB is optimistic that the refereeing course
will greatly benefit the participant and it will help them hone their skills.