
Night and day contacts???

by  |  earlier

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so can some on tell me the pros and cons of those contacts? i HATE wearing glasses and i never have time to put in contacts everyday and take em out...




  1. Good answer above, but if Laser surgery (which I would not recommend to a friend or family member) is too expensive, and you don't normally wear expensive glasses, contacts are not going to save you much money.

    A 300 dollar pair of glasses lasts until you break them or need a new Rx (usually 2 years, sometimes longer). That is an approximate cost for one year of contacts, but they may be more if you need toric lenses. So contact cost about two time more than glasses, and you still need a set of glasses for backups. Lasik was around 3000 bucks the last time I heard, but probably less by now (beware of discount surgery). That is about ten years of contacts, but Lasik presumably offers a lifetime of hassle free good vision.

    If you have asked your doctor and they said no, it is most likely because they are not available in your Rx or they are concerned with the potential complications that arise when contacts are left in for extended periods (dryness, irritation, infection, and in worst cases ulcers).

  2. They are great with not much problem.

  3. get a laser eye surgery, it is a bit costy but then your eyes will be like everyone elses. there realy is no price for your health

  4. i havent worn them, i cant b/c i have an astigmastim. ive fit them quite a bit. they are one of the first (if not the first) silicone hyragel contact lens on the market. its a monthly lens. you can wear them for the full thirty days (dont recommend it, but it is approved by the FDA to do so, and if you choose to do this, i would recomend taking them out one night a week at least to let your eyes breathe and let the contacts clean overnight). con-it is more pricey than most other silicone hydragel lenses out on the market. we charge about 280 for a year supply, but it does come w/ manuf. rebate. other than that, the people who wear them love them.

    honestly, the manufacturer of the night and day lenses (ciba vision) are comming out with some new lenses this summer. if you dont like the night and days, maybe they will have something soon.

    you can try bausch and lomb's purevision if you are looking for a lens you can sleep in. they are cheaper (at least in our office) than the night and days. they are comfortable, but a bit stiffer than other lenses, so people sometimes refer to them as feeling "thicker" when they really arent.

    talk to your doctor and see what he recomends for you.

  5. these contacts are so comfortable... but many times i have slept in them without taking them out (im talking about weeks).. that is probably why your doctor is nervous. Because i forget that they are in my eyes in the first place. I hate wearing glasses too. But if you write down your schedule for your nightly routine, you won't forget like i have... tell your doctor that and your parents.. he can't refuse them to you and if he does go to Costco or Walmart eye care, they will give it to you, all you have to do is give them your prescription. Good Luck !!

  6. Thats the contacts I have I love them. I've been using them for years- they are oxygen permeable to allow your eyes to breathe- but I still take them out nightly, but I have slept in them before, they feel a bit dry when I wake up, but after a few blinks I'm fine. :)

  7. I am wondering WHY no doctors will provide the overnight wear contact lenses to you.  I don't know where you live, but the lenses are available just about everywhere.  There are various reasons why a doctor would not recommend and thus supply you with the contact lenses.

    1.  You have a history of inability to successfully wear contact lenses

    2.  Perhaps there is doubt that you can responsibly wear and care for the lenses.

    3.  The lenses may not be available in your prescription, but this is getting to be less likely as the range of available prescriptions for overnight wear is increasing.

    4.  There is an eye-related health issue that contraindicates your wearing lenses continuously.

    These lenses are available from a variety of manufacturers.  If you have asked specifically for "night and day" contact lenses (which is actually a name of specific contact lens) it may be that no doctors are fitting that particular lens.  I would expect them to off an alternative from manufacturers that they do work with.

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