
Night or Online classes?

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Would it be better for me to take online classes or night classes to get my AA in Elementary Education? I work full-time so what would be your suggestion. If you have expeirence withthis PLEASE answer.




  1. There are benefits to both, and ultimately, you have to decide which is the best fit for you.  

    Online classes will likely be most convenient (particularly if you take one that's offered in an asynchronous format -- that means you do your work and view lectures at your convenience and don't have to be online "in class" at a specific team).  There are, however, several disadvantages, including the fact that you have to be self-motivated and good at budgeting your time.  Also, the lack of face-to-face interaction with classmates and instructors, in my opinion, takes a bit away from the educational value.  However, online chatrooms and discussion boards help with that, to some degree.

    Evening classes will be more structured.  You have to be there, even if you've had a long day at work.  But, the value of learning through discussions with your classmates and instructor add a lot to the educational experience, and it's generally nice to get to know people who are in the same situation as you.  

    Some schools are now offering "hybrid" programs in which face-to-face meetings are combined with online coursework so students don't have to attend class as regularly, but still get the opportunity to meet their classmates and instructors.

    In addition, find out of your program offers any experiential learning (internships, trips, etc).  This real-life experience in the field of education is important to potential employers.

    In short, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each option and see which fits your lifestyle best.  Good luck!

  2. Ok well I have taken both (while working full time) and personally the night classes were best.  when taking online classes you have to be EXTREMELY discipline!! the work is normally self paced (and its easy to get behind) and originally i set aside a time every other day where i would do just class stuff but trust me there is always something that comes up in your life that will cause you to not be able to keep that schedule.  atleast with a night class you will be responsible for attending classes regularly and therefore will be able to focus more and actually learn.  I would only recommend an online class if your either retaking a class that you're already familar with or if that is your only option.......good luck!!

  3. check out my school uses them and its awesome...maybe get your school to sign on with them or something?

  4. Hello - I am and have been an online facilitator.  the main thing I would suggest you look for is the method of delivery and if the online activities are engaging and provide opportunity for interaction.  I always use streaming media and short videos, so students can see and interact with me.  Interaction with others is important also.  It creates a learning community and allows you to expand your thinking.  Avoid complete "paperbased" online learning or learning where it is just a "textbook" online - YUCK!

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