
Nightmare dinner!!!?

by  |  earlier

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What would you do it you were invited to dinner for the first time at friends (another couple) and there were no nibbles or entrees, wine was served in plastic beakers and they ran out of spaghetti and had to go to the petrol station to get some more - whilst you were already eating?!!




  1. Chalk it up to there inexperience. Everybody has to learn, sounds like they tried. Have you ever tried to do something and did it wrong? Of course, everybody has!! I'll bet they do better next time. Stop at the convience store on the way home and grab something if you are starving...

  2. If you ever go there again, make sure you eat before you go there.

  3. film it and put it on the web

  4. well its sounds like they tried they are your friends so just let it go maybe next time you can invite them over and have a get together the way you want...

  5. Maybe they were inexperienced in entertaining, you do not say how old this couple was.  Chalk it up to something to talk about in later years and laugh about.  No  one died and it is not the food that makes the evening it is the friends that are together.

  6. Ghetto Fab babie, Ghetto Fab!!!

  7. Dump them as friends. They must have planned it that way, are they really that stupid? If so you don't want them as "friends".
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