
Nights and days mixed up?

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My son has his night and days completely mixed up.he has had me up til atleast two or four the past few nights..and i was wandering if any one could give me any ideas on what i can do to try and get him to get them unmixed. i know its not going to happen over night..but some suggestions would be great. i never had this problem with my this is all new to me. thank you




  1. Yep, I had that with mine too, she used to stay up till 4am sometimes. I just used to put her to our bed and lay next to her not  talking no nothing, or rock her if she cries, but keep tones and voice down and do not be too active so baby starts getting it. Also I figured that she used to be hungry sometimes and I did not have enough milk, that made her stay up too.

  2. My son got his nghts and days mixed up for about a week from the time we came home from the hospital. I just tried to play with him and keep him up more in the days. It was hard cause he was soo tiny and when he wanted to sleep hed sleep. After about a week he got back on track, and started sleeping at night which was very nice for me.  

  3. I am pretty sure that most newborns stay up all night...this is normal is is solved with time. Just be there for your son when he needs you at night. You will be tired, but remember that all moms go through this it seems.

  4. Me and my son wake up at about 11pm and go to bed at about 2 of 3am, but I do this on purpose. My husband works the swing so thats just the hours our little family keeps.

    I never have a problem getting my son to bed however. Once your baby hits about 5 or so months (depending on the child) you should start setting up a routine.

    Like us, we take the puppy for a walk around our back yard for about 20 min. then we take a bath, then we go to bed. Consistency is key.

    It will take you some time to get him into a set schedule, but it will go much smoother once you set up and get him into a bedtime routine.

    Good luck!

  5. how old is the baby?  if he is old enough to stimulate during the day to keep him up longer than do that and he will gradually go to sleep earlier. some babies go through this for a couple weeks and then switch back. my advice is to try to keep him up longer during the day and don't play with him at night when he is up. keep it calm at night. good luck with it.

  6. Your baby is so new and this is totally normal. I just made sure there was a difference between day and night at my house. During the day the house was opened up with a lot of light, the radio is on and there is noise from going about our day. At night I keep it quiet and dark, no playing, no talking and games. It's important your baby naps during the day but he'll start being awake in longer stretches during the day and start sleeping in longer stretches at night. Get into a good bedtime routine with him and stick to it. The time my vary but a routine is good. The more predictable his days and nights are the better off you'll be.  

  7. It takes about 6 weeks for babies to figure out night and day.  For now, at night keep the lights low, talk in a soft voice to your son and avoid playing with him (just meet his needs for food/cuddling), keep the tv off.  Don't try to keep him awake during the day.  This will only make him cranky and over tired.  I read in a sleep book (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby) that lost sleep is lost sleep, babies can not make it up.

    Eventually he will figure it out.

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