
Nighttime separation anxiety? Wakes up screaming???

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We went through the Ferber method of sleep training and it worked like a charm in 3 days. Now almost a month later my 7 month old son is again waking up in the middle of the night. He isn't hungry, cold, wet, dirty, etc. There is nothing wrong with him and he won't calm down for any of those things. He just wants to be held or brought to our bed.

Is this separation anxiety? He seems fine when we leave him at daycare or with a family member to be babysat. It's only when he wakes up in the middle of the night that he screams bloody murder.

I really don't know what to do at this point. It seems awful to leave him to cry it out, but if there isn't anything wrong, what else can I do???

No, we don't want to have him in our bed. That's not something we will encourage. Help?




  1. put an item of your worn clothing in with him, as long as his warm and can smell you he may not wake.

    i used to put in a night dress or pj's

  2. We're having the same issues with the ferber method. Our 11 month old is teething so we're having to referberize for the 3rd time now. I started this time with his naps and it's worked so we'll be moving onto night time tonight. Our pedi suggested the ferber method and when I called her office today she got on the phone and told me it would be tough but we had to stick through it like we did the first time (which also took us 3 nights). She said things like teething come up and cause the parents to referberize but we think it's a better plan than co sleeping (like we did the first several months until Ian crawled off our bed!). Best of luck! You're not alone!!

  3. Could you put his crib in your bedroom for a month or so, let him get used to his crib then move it to his nursery? I did that with my daughter at 7 months and she never woke crying. I am sorry you're having this problem. I have a 6 month old now and she is still sleeping in our bedroom in her infant swing (she's small) and I am worried about her having separation anxiety too when we do move her to the nursery.

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