
Nightwish lyrics- The Poet and the Pendulum?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I am NOT ASKING FOR THE FULL LYRICS. Do NOT just go to a lyrics web site and copy-paste their lyrics, that's NOT what I'm asking about.

Now that that's over with, in 'The Poet and The Pendulum', there's a section that goes "Everyone must bury their own/No pack to bury the heart of stone/ Now he's home in h**l, serves him well" et cetera. In the second line, you see the word 'pack'? Well, one of my fellow NW fans keeps telling me it's "place". "No place to bury the heart of stone". The Nightwish web site says it is "pack", but, according to my friend, the lyric book that came with the CD says it's 'place'. I bought my copy of Dark Passion Play on iTunes, so I don't have the book. I think 'pack' sounds right and makes sense, but she disagrees. What do you think? Is is 'place' or 'pack'? Don't worry, I won't be a sore loser if you disagree with me, I'm really just confused at this point. HELP!




  1. its pack for sure.......first of all thats obviously what he says, and second of all, i have the actual album that has the lyrics included!!

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