
Nikolai Khabibulin going behind bars, who is watching the Oilers net now?

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Nikolai Khabibulin going behind bars, who is watching the Oilers net now?
The race between Jeff Deslauriers and Devan Dubnyk probably just heated up significantly after a guilty verdict in the Edmonton Oilers starting goaltender Nikolai Khabibulin’s driving under the influence case. He had to be convicted in Arizona of all places, the state with the harshest drinking laws this side of the Atlantic.
Nikolai has got himself into some serious problems. The bare minimum for a DUI conviction in Arizona is thirty days behind bars. There is no escaping that now. Even at just the 30 day minimum sentence, Nikolai would miss practices. That, assuming, he could get away with the minimum, after driving with blood alcohol level twice the legal limit and going just short of twice the speed limit in an urban area.
Some questioned the wisdom of signing 3 goal tenders on one-way deals but clearly it would pay off for the Oilers now. Maybe the Oilers realized that the possibility of Nikolai ending up behind bars was quite likely while the rest couldn’t. They probably also considered the fact that the trial could have dragged on longer and even the lightest of conviction could have come during the regular season leaving them a goalie short had they not signed both Jeff and Devan.
Preparations to head on without Nikolai make the Russian less important for the Oilers. Considering how Jeff and Devan perform, the Oilers might want to wash their hands of Nikolai. That wouldn’t just be a Hockey decision. The Oilers are a franchise that takes its public image very seriously. With any other franchise the most likely end to this ruckus would have been Nikolai serving his time and returning to goaltending duties. In the Veteran Nikolai, the Oilers were looking for a mentor for their younger players. Not someone who would only focus on playing hockey but a role model showing them what it means to be an Oiler.
If Nikolai is welcomed back without disciplining to the Oilers roster it would send a strong message to the brewing Oilers. Not the kind of message the franchise would want to be known for. Disciplinary action would be the lower end of the spectrum and a sacking at the higher end but in any event the Oilers would have to show in some way that the personal conduct isn’t entirely personal and carries broader ramifications.
Nikolai is on a four year contract with the Oilers which he signed last year. Edmonton could void that contract citing his behaviour but that would be somewhat tricky. Many have sympathies with Nikolai. Not in the DUI case, there is no doubt he broke the law and put lives at risk when he sat behind the wheel of his Ferrari and for that he must be held accountable. However, some maintain that after he has served his time he shouldn’t be further crucified.
If, on the other hand, Nikolai misses regular season games the Oilers would have more options to deal with him. They could cut him, if they wanted to, for failing to fulfil his obligations to Edmonton under their contract. That would mean that the Oilers would escape Nikolai’s cap hit and have Jeff and Devan cover the net. Nikolai costs over 3 million and this is not the year of the goalie. If the Blackhawks can cut their Stanley cup goaltender, Antti Niemi, then Nikolai should already be half expecting to be let go.
However, if the Oilers go easy on Nikolai, then things could work out well for all sides. Nikolai is on the Long Term Injured Reserve list. It would be in his interest to just stay on it. If he isn’t declared fit to play before the season begins then he can’t be let go for missing games. With him in the LTIR, the Oilers could also make use of his Salary Cap.
One of the two goaltenders on the roster has just a one year contract. By this time next year the Oilers would be in control of their goaltender situation. Depending on how much time Nikolai gets and how well Jeff and Devan hold up, one of the three won’t be with the Oilers come next season.



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