
Nikon D100, I have a dot on my LCD screen (???)?

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I've just recently noticed a "crystally" looking blue dot on my LCD screen on my D100 - any clues as to what causes this, I'm extremely carful with my camera, have never dropped it or anything. I've also seen it on a couple of pictures when uploaded but not all (???) any ideas?




  1. Don't worry about it.  The LCD is just a tool for checking exposures in difficult lighting situations.  If the spot starts growing, then call Nikon USA's free live tech help line, (800) NIKON-UX, they are open all the time, 24/7/365

  2. Hello Just Me:

    Have you cleaned the CCD (charge coupled device) which is the device that the image is focused on by the lenses and mirrors?  This device needs cleaning from time to time because it gets dust and lint on it.  The dust and other spots will show up on your photos and on your LCD screen.  The dust specs and other flotsom get into your camera if you change lenses often.  You need a pro to show you how to do clean the CCD.  If you mess it up you can do serious damage to the CCD.  

    Does this blue dot appear on the photos after you transfer them to your computer?  If so, then it is either a dust spec or (and this is the bad one) it represents a region of dead pixels on the CCD.  There are usually a few scattered dead pixels on the CCD but if they occur in a really objectionable cluster it may mean that you need a new CCD and that is an expensive deal.  You will have to decide if it is worth it.  

    Try the cleaning first.  You definitely need to be instructed how to do it so find a camera pro that is willing to teach you.  It may cost a few bucks and take a few hours.  You will also have to buy some cleaning solution and some expensive cleaning swabs.

    Take a photo of the clear blue sky then transfer it to your computer. Look at the photo with the magnifier.  You can see and note where the dust spots are located for attention when you are cleaning the CCD.  They are on the CCD in the mirror image location i.e. if it is on the lower right of the photo it is on the upper left of the CCD as you are looking into the opening for the lens.  You will have to move the mirror out of the way by operating the shutter in the "bulb" position.  You need to hold the shutter button down.  You can then spray some dry air gently on to the CCD.  I mean gently.  This should clear some of the dust or move the specs around.  If the objectionable spot moves around then you will know that you are in luck and a cleaning will remove it.  

    Lastly it is possible that you have a bad spot on the LCD screen.  You can deduce whether it is the problem from the sky shot process I mentioned above.  If that is what it is you can probably live with it on the just the LCD screen so long as the spot does not appear on the photos.  You can have the LCD screen replaced, but that's not cheap either.  Not nearly as expensive as changing the CCD, but it's not cheap either.  

    The fact that you say it is blue dot kinda bothers me because that means that it is likely a problem in the electronics.  Try the cleaning suggestions first then at least you will know and you can make the decision what to do.  You need to know how to clean the CCD anyway.  

    Have fun 'n enjoy life - 73 from the Fisherman


  4. its just pixle that has burned out... it happens to all thing ( pc monitor tv's lcd plasma any thing...) dont worry about

    there is no way to fix it... so...

    Just have to deal with it sorry

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