
Nikon D80 is so complicated I set my shutter speed extremely high 4000 and my aperture really low?

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but everytime it comes out black




  1. I suggest you buy the Magic Lantern Nikon D80 DVD Guide. This instructional video should help you learn to use your camera. Its available at Circuit City.

    Photography classes would also be an excellent idea.

    Here is an old rule that should also help. Its called the "Sunny 16 Rule" and states: "On a sunny day, set your f-stop to f16 and your shutter speed to 1/ISO." So if you're out shooting on a sunny day and using ISO 100, set your f-stop to f16 and your shutter speed to 1/100 sec. You'd have to be in Manual Mode though.

    A better approach might be to put your camera in "A" - Aperture Preferred Mode. You choose the aperture and the camera selects a correct shutter speed.

  2. You need to either learn how to read your light meter (in your users manual) or use the aperture priority mode until you can learn to control your camera.

    The D80 is a fully adjustable camera so you will need to use the light meter to control the exposures.  Many of us took classes in photography to avoid all the frustrations of trying to learn everything at once.

  3. Leave it at AUTO.

    Did you set yours in MANUAL mode? If you do that, you have to make sure the exposure is correct by matching the needle (well, the old cameras you either make sure the needle or the LCD points in the middle). For a dSLR, same thing applies.

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