
Nikon Dslr survey?

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1.) Do you take your Dslr everywhere with you?

2.) Do you upload pictures every time you take a picture on your dslr?

3.) Do you think it would break / malfunction if you keep using it all the time / every time ?

4.) Even by just uploading pictures all the time?

5.) How long have you had your Nikon Dslr?

6.) Is it still in a good condition?

7.) Did you have any problems w/ it?

8.) what kind of Nikon Dslr do you have?

(e.g. D40, D50, D80, D60)




  1. 1.) Do you take your Dslr everywhere with you?

    Pretty much

    2.) Do you upload pictures every time you take a picture on your dslr?

    First I check through using the review function and delete unwanted shots

    3.) Do you think it would break / malfunction if you keep using it all the time / every time ?

    It is a Nikon: hardly likely to fail except through abuse or serious accident.

    4.) Even by just uploading pictures all the time?


    5.) How long have you had your Nikon Dslr?

    Which one, I have three:  

    D200, one year,  

    D3 Six months,

    D300, Six Months, and

    D700 ten days (on loan)

    6.) Is it still in a good condition?

    Yes to all.

    7.) Did you have any problems w/ it?

    No to all.

    8.) what kind of Nikon Dslr do you have?

    (e.g. D40, D50, D80, D60)

    As above: I need several cameras to suit my lifestyle.

  2. 1. No, not all the time, but a lot.

    2. I upload pictures every day or two, then format the card as soon as I put it back in.  Always format!

    3. Not unless I abuse it.  It's served me well so far!

    4. No, not even then.

    5. About 4 1/2 years, I think.

    6. Yep!  Works great!

    7. Now and then I get confused about something, but I read my manual and figure it out pretty quickly.

    8. D70.  No longer made, but still good!

  3. 1.) Do you take your Dslr everywhere with you?

    ANSWER:  No.  I find it very hard to take a shower with it, for example.  It's also usually not too welcome in the locker room.  But I will take it with me if there's a chance I could get a good photo.

    2.) Do you upload pictures every time you take a picture on your dslr?

    ANSWER:  I have multiple cards.  When I finish shooting for the day, I take the card(s) I used and use a card reader to download from the cards to a computer.  Once I am satisfied that the card(s) are backed up, I will format the cards and reuse them for the next sets of photos.

    3.) Do you think it would break / malfunction if you keep using it all the time / every time ?

    ANSWER:  Absolutely not.  Memory cards are designed to be used for tens of thousands of read-write cycles.  It's the same whether your download your photos or keep them on the card and look at them--because it still requires the card to be read.  About the only physical damage that could happen would be dropping the card and accidentally stepping on it or possible bending a compact flash pin.  Otherwise, getting your photos off the memory card is no big deal.  SLRs are made to be used, not boxed up and kept in a closet.

    4.) Even by just uploading pictures all the time?

    ANSWER:  See 3 above.  

    5.) How long have you had your Nikon Dslr?

    LOL, which one:

    Nikon D70:  still going strong since 2004

    Nikon D200:  still going strong since November 2005

    Nikon D3:  Got mine in January and it's just fine

    Fujifilm S1 Pro (based on Nikon N60 film camera) since 2000.

    Fujifilm S2 Pro (based on Nikon N80) since 2002.

    Fujifilm S5 Pro (based on Nikon D200) since 2007.

    6.) Is it still in a good condition?

    ANSWER:  Yep, all of them are in fine condition.

    7.) Did you have any problems w/ it?

    ANSWER:  No problems with any of my cameras.  

    8.) what kind of Nikon Dslr do you have?

    (e.g. D40, D50, D80, D60)

    Here's what I own or have owned:

    Nikon D50

    Nikon D70

    Nikon D100 (lousy camera compared to S2 Pro below!)

    Nikon D200

    Nikon D3

    Kodak DCS 315 (Nikon Pronea film body based)

    Fujifilm S1 Pro (Nikon N60 film body based)

    Fujifilm S2 Pro (Nikon N80 film body based)

    Fujifilm S5 Pro (Nikon D200 body based)
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